Anyone giving or given birth in Leeds/Dewsbury/Wakefield?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Hi Guys

I have a my first midwife appointment if a couple of weeks and have been told that she'll want to know my preferences on where to give birth. I know I would prefer to give birth in a midwife led unit but have high blood pressure so until that improves I think I'll have to give birth in hospital which I don't mind.

But I have only moved to the area recently from wales and don't know where's best, I'm sure the midwife will go through all options but I just thought if any of you would share your experiences good or bad about any Leeds/Dewsbury or Wakefield establishments.

Thanks. xx
Hi, I live near Cleckheaton and had my son at Calderdale Royal which is near Halifax. They have a midwife led birthing centre and also a consultant ward so if you booked in there you would be able to see whats going on with BP closer to D Day. hospital is newly refurbed. You can book a stork walk (show round the delivery suites) by ringing them. I am going to Dewsbury this time as I had a section last time so will be under consultant care anyway. So far my scans and appointments with them have all been great and the staff seem lovely. All i would say from what ive heard, obviously not my own experience is avoid the Leeds based hospitals LGI, Jimmys etc as they are usually really busy and have a bit of a conveyer belt feel to them. Also one of my friends gave birth at LGI and they ran out of gas and air. Lots of stories of people phoning up when in labour and the wards have been full so theyve been told to go elsewhere! I'd say if you are considering a midwife led birthing centre Calderdale is a good option. Have a look on their website. I dont know exactly where you are but the hhospital is about 10 mins from junction 24 M62.

Good luck xxx
I had my toddler in the Calderdale Birth Centre and I cant speak too highly of it. I have to say I've only bad stories about Dewsbury :eh: (sorry) and I cant comment on the others :)
Yeah i'd heard a lot of bad stories about Dewsbury too, but then they got the highest rating in the area so thought i'd give them a go! The Bronte tower seems nice compared to the rest of the hospital too. Really hope im not going to regret it! I'd definately reccomend calderdale though, I'd go there this time but had a pretty difficult time and I get cold sweats just driving past! lol!
:lol: I'm sure its because you only hear the bad stories more than the good ones.

I;m just down the road from you in Brighouse btw :)
Ah, not far at all then! I'm off to have a look round the delivery suite and see the consultant next Monday and if i'm not comfortable i'll swap to Pinderfields. My poor midwife will be getting fed up of me, it took me 3 months to decide on dewsbury! I do believe in the only hearing that bad stories though, have heard a few but I know loads of people who've been there and have never mentioned it being bad, might do some more investigating! lol xx
The main one keeps coming up and would put me off is that is very old fashioned. They have wards and not many private rooms - I'd hate that and you are pretty much guaranteed a room from beginning to end at Halifax unless tonnes of women go in at the same time! My friend had a planned section at Dewsbury, paid for a private room and came away with MRSA :eh:

My step daughter was born at the LGI home from home suite, and I have plenty of friends that have used Jimmies and not heard any bad things from them...

I'm booked into the LGI and cannot fault my antenatal care from there, I have used day care and they have been really helpful, again as the maternity assessment at Jimmies...
I forgot.....A friend of a friend went to LGI and she was really happy with it there :)
Well sounds like the general idea is that everyone hears different things and probably best to see what suits you!! xx
Oh dear really shouldnt have done that .... just googled. Bummer, think i might consider going back to calderdale.....
iv changed my hospital so many times with all the diffrent decisions iv made but finally made my mind up on dewsbury for the 3rd time :dance: iv heard nothing but bad things about dewsbury but would like to witness it all for myself rather than believe what iv read on the internet! im due on the 30th december and cannot wait the difficulty of sleeping on a night is awfull right now and cant wait to meet my little girl :lol:


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