anyone feeling low?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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just feeling a bit depressed recently.. alex is working loads of overtime..leaving at 5.30am and comming home about day off on the weekend.. and tonight he rang to say hes not finishing till late.. still not home at 7.30.. its bed time at 10.. so after he gets in.. its shower food and bed.. i feel so loanly.. charlottes crying because she hasnt seen him today..and shes obviously in bed now..

*he just rang. hes finsihing at 8*

am i being abnormal for feeling like this... i didnt marry him for money.. we arnt bad off.. course we can do with the extra £ but we are fine on normal pay..ok.. fair enough work over time.. but come on.. a 14 hr shift when its usually 7 and half.. is bloody stupid! no day off.. i feel like im living with a grumpy old man.. whos just tired all the time.. where my funny, gorgeous full of life man gone!
Aww hun just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sounds like he's working hard to earn some money for you all, maybe he doesnt realise how lonley ur feeling, have you talked to him about it? x
yeah.. i was ill last week.. he came in from work friday and i burst into tears. had a day from hell my back was killing from tescos n trying to dodge coffin dodgers...then charlotte had massive when he came in i jsut blubbed.. he was up most of the night worried bout me.. but then next day went to work at 4 n finished at 1..and was knackered for the rest of the day...i know its selfish and the extra £ will be great for xmas.. people are prob reading this and thinking selfish cow.. throwing her toys outa the pram..

cant help how i feel..:(

thanks for hugs lol..
nah, I don't think your being silly... My DH went back to work full time... during July and August he only worked half days now he's working 9 till 7 and I miss him loads. :cry: not as bad as your DH of course.. but I still miss him now he's working longer hours... and I'm at home all day alone.
I do know how u feel to a point, sam works hard does all the washing up and tea when he gets home then just wants to chill & relax then sleep, it makes me feel so lonley sometimes especially when im feeling low anyway

More hugs just for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor you...our life revolves around work too! Now that I'm doing supply teaching again I can be home by 4 but he's out at 7.30am and sometimes not in until 7pm and then is too tired to do anything except go to bed at 10 and fall straight to sleep!
aw lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all

You're not being unreasonable, like you said its notlike you need the extra money although it comes in handy, you could probably accept it better if you knew it was needed.

Times like these you need your man around, ask him if he could maybe just do a couple of days with extra work in the week as its affecting charlotte as well as you. He may be thinking you need the extra without realising you dont.

I don't think you're being selfish at all - talk to him and see if he can reduce some hours esp if money isn't a problem

lots lof love to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's horrible when you feel like you do. He prob thinks that by 'bringing home the bacon' he's doing the best thing- and if you were in drastic need of the money he'd be right but since you don't I think you should speak to him and tell him how much you appreciate what he does but tell him what you really need- even if he had one day off you'd feel alot better.
How long is this new work pattern to last? Just until xmas?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
he came home and i burst into tears again..he just gave me a hug and said hes sorry..its only till the end of the week..and he has to do it now as his boss has placed a stupidly large order. and if he doesnt do it the order doesnt go out. i feel sorry for him to becasue hes obviously doing it for £, coz he loves his job and wants to show them his best, and so he doesnt feel guilty about paternity leave :roll:

im just gonna say to him.. i dont mind you doing over time now and again.. but the patterns been working monday to sat, finishing work sat at 1, and having sunday off..which is stupid.. coz all he wants to do is rest and we cant ever get anything done. so maybe 2-3 evenings a week and 1-2 sats a with the baby comming i need him more.. and i think he just has to say to work they need to be reasonable.. especially when it gets ehre.. fair enough b4 xmas we do need the extra £.

thanks girls.. made me feel

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