Anyone ever suffered from this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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A few months ago i thought i had Carpal Tunnel but it turns out to be fluid retention and the build up of fluid is squeezing the nerves in my wrist and it is sooooo sore, it keeps me awake at night, wakes me up and they are really weak in the day, it feels like someone has grabbed my wrists and squeezed them so hard they are bruised, the midwife told me to take Paracetemol but it doesnt work, i have to take them all through the day so i get a build up at the night time, ohhh am i the only one that is suffering with this? i feel awful and i dont know if i can cope with this for another 8 weeks, i nearly took a couple of strong painkillers yesterday but i stopped myself for the babies sake.
I got that but in my feet and ankles, so I can understand how sore and uncomfy it is! Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done apart from holding your hands above your head for an hour or so. Or putting them in ice cold water, even get someone to massage your hands and wrists, in an action that is pushing up towards your arms.

Try to stay away from salt and wheat as these are very good at helping retain water. Also, drink loads of water, even to the point you want to burst!
i've got that - and it IS a form of carpal tunnel (but it goes away after the baby is born) I've had pins and needles in my hands and fingers from it for weeks now and alot of the time the tips of a few of my fingers are virtually numb. I've got trouble grasping stuff and cant do things like pick a coin up off a table top. It helps a bit if you massage your hands and wrists (it must help get rid of some of the fluid and ease the pressure)

I think its just one of those wonderfull pregnancy quirks you just have to put up with :x
I've got a bit of this too, I'm always waking up with numb hands in the night and it hurts to make a fist. I've noticed it getting worse over the last week or so too, I'm glad it disappears after the baby's out!
Hi Rach,

Are you sure it's carpal tunnel syndrome? I had tendonitis in both my wrists with my last two babies. The last one being the worst. The pain got so bad that I was given wrist splints for months. The splints immobilise the wrist - giving it a rest - but still let you use your hand as normal. It was such a simple remedy for something that had me in tremendous pain beforehand. Ask your G.P. or M/W about being given wrist splints and see if wearing these for a couple of weeks helps.


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