Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2014
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Hi everyone. Just wanting some advise.

I have a son who is nearly 3, he is a lovely little boy, so loving but...The way I'm feeling I feel drained, I just feel like I don't have the energy to play with him all the time, I feel like a bad mum, I'm snappy, I'm moody, I'm tired. He does still nap,but it mean he doesn't go to bed till 1030pm, which means me and my hubby hardly get time. Together,if need to stop these naps, I can't ask. For help off family as my mum is ill and my dad works away, my hubby works till 530pm, I cook tea for him, clean the house. Feeling like a really bad wife and mum for just watching to sit and do nothing!!

My son wouldn't go to sleep last night and I snapped at him and made him cry.. when really. I was my.fsult for.napping with him for 2 hours!!

Any advise to nip this feeling in the bud and help keep my little man entertained.

If it's any consolation, I feel the exact same. My lg is 15 months and full of energy and cuddles. She isn't yet walking so there's still a lot of lifting and carting her about. Defo don't have the same energy or patience and I'm trying desperately to do. Don't want to feel later on that I wasted the months away when I could have had quality time with just her. This mum thing is just full of guilt eh.?! Have you tried putting his bedtime earlier? That's later than me lol! x
Yeah exactly.. i want quality time with jim but I feel just so blah ! Today is day one of no naps, I am exhausted!! So tired. Yeh he just won't settle, and he's get hungry so wake like 3-4 times a night! Just feel like world's worst mum xxxx
Try to remember that this won't last forever! For now, do the bare minimum in regards to housework. Who cares if there's a bit of a mess? ;)
Perhaps you could try batch cooking and freezing some meals so there's a bit less energy you have to use up each day.
Let your lo have a bit more tv time than you'd normally allow. When you're feeling this shitty, it's no time to follow the rules!
If you snap at your lo again, lots of kisses and cuddles and sorries will make it all better. Kids recover quickly and he's hardly going to be scarred for life ;)

I once read that anyone who worries about being a bad parent, isn't a bad parent otherwise they wouldn't care.

That is very true Juice

If it makes you feel better
Get lots of Get Well Soon cards on the mantlepiece and stuff the housework
If people come round you can pretend you've been really ill lol
Hi hun ! I got a almost 3 year old and a 19 month old ! I feel awfull because I am always shatterd but like above said wont last forever x
That's girl. Feel so much better for your comments!! Today has been a better day and we did a no nap day whoop go us xx

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