anyone else


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
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Anyone else feel like their baby is kicking downwards?!
I haven't felt her kick my tummy but i feel the strangest little bangs down by my lady regions!
Can it be baby? weird!
I had the same feeling with my one....but my one moves around a lot and kicks everywhere...
I think it depends on where LO is lying tbh, sometimes i get it just baove my public bone and others it feels as though its above my belly button, ive even seen my belly pop out all over place when she decides to move. Yesturday it felt as though she was kicking out at my side lol x
All my scans shes been lying face down!! Little rascal! Just want her to kick my tummy!! X
Yes, I've felt kicking in my cervix and my butt. Its a really odd sensation. Pickle has always been a bit of a low rider and is usually head down, so mine are punches.
Yep, me too! Mine also likes to jump about on my bladder, especially when Im in the car for some reason!
Yes, our little monkey loves being positioned around my bladder and cervix! At every scan, MW apointment and consultant apoinmtment I have had LO has been head down so I am guessing my bladder is a punching bag.

Last night was the first night I was convinced I was getting kicked rather than punched because the movements were really strong and my belly was moving a lot!! The other option is LO takes after me and is a future black belt! x
My LO always kicks me gently ;), usually a couple inches above my pubic bone, but to the left of it a bit, on the odd occasion a but higher and stronger on the right side but more so on the left :)
Yeah, my LO generally kicks low down, think my bladder is his favourite place! Haha.. Sometimes I feel little kicks slightly higher up, but not very often.. xx
I feel like I get kicked all over the place- makes me think there's two in there sometimes!! :)


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