Baby Kicking


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I am 17+ weeks pg and I'm sure I felt my baby kicking today! When I went for my 16 week scan the lady asked if I had felt the baby move yet but I said that I really didn't know what to feel for other than a "flutter" and that I feel flutters quite alot but today I actually felt a kind of prodding inside, right in the middle of my tummy and right above my bikini line.

Has anyone else felt a "kick" this early?

they say it supposed to start around 18 weeks. Mine started at the end of my 17 week and I felt fluttering. Litrally within a wekk fo that baby has gone crazy. and I definitelty know the difference now! I can even see the baby kick if I stare at my belly. My partner can feel the baby if he puts his hand on me also. Try that! I actually felt it easier with my hand than inside at the start! So when you feel a flitter lay your hands on your tummy.

Im 19 weeks now and can even see and feel where the baby is. When I wake up int he morning it looks so odd having a huge lump under my belly button then nothing underneath. At night he seems to be right down on my bladder! Hes very active!

Keeps us up to date with the movement over the next week!!

I started feeling movements at around 17 weeks - hubbie felt kicking at around 19.5 weeks.

Now baby is kicking all the time and you can see my belly moving. It's a great feeling isn't it? I don't think I'll ever get fed up of it.

Anyway I had my second scan on Monday and was told baby had long legs, so that may be why!

My MIL thinks I'm having a boy because my hubbie was very active when she had him - in the womb and after giving birth (she recommends I make the most of my sleep now)!!!



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