Anyone else...

ladies you have all put my mind at rest thank you all :) silly mum putting thoughts in my mind, seems even this early on its normal to feel grannified :rofl:

Butterfly...yes yes yes...i do that all the time re spaces especially if i'm trying to get passed OH if he's cooking and i belly bash his ass :rofl: not too hard obviously that would just be wrong but enough to think uh oh...wide load coming through :lol: i think i need a sign saying move...wide load coming through especially at the supermarket, some people just do not know how to use a trolley :eh:

I feel massive and unbalanced lol!! Def got a nice waddle now! Xxx
i have had the odd wobble lets just say...sometimes look like a drunk stumbling into walls etc haha! xx
People have started commenting on my waddle too! I don't notice I'm doing it til someone says and then I'm all conscious of how I'm walking. The spd really doesn't help with that though. I am currently sat on the sofa being blinded by the sun but really don't have the energy to push myself up and off the sofa to a different spot or to close the blind! So instead I have achey arms from holding the iPad in front of my face instead :rofl:

I'm always forgetting how big bump is and trying to squeeze through aces tha I used to. I have a squishy tummy anyway, so used to squashing it through spaces, bu now it is rock solid and doesn't squash down lol xxx
haha Kanga i feel your pain with not wanting to move...i needed to ring OH an hour ago and seriously my mobile was like in arms reach if i leant forward but i just couldnt be arsed, i stared at it for a good ten minutes and nearly asked DD to get it for me until i realized how tight i was been and just got it myself...Ooosh such an effort though :rofl: x
Haha deedee how funny! The sun has finally moved out of my way, mwahaha I will not be defeated :rofl: xx
haha you are victorious over the sun :yay: good job!! Theres no budging a pregnant woman hehe :lol: xx
The only downside is now I need to pee! And my toilet is upstairs :( boo xx
Yep, i'm feeling exactly the same! I find myself groaning when I need to get up, and i'm walking (waddling!!) so slowly now i'm becoming a fire hazard!!

About 10 mins ago my smoke alarm went off, I found myself swearing at it because i'd only just sat down! Then groaning with every step I took to switch it off!!!
haha my fire alarm likes to make itself known, usually when OH is cooking and doesnt use the extractor fan and you can guarantee it always goes off as he is in the bath not long after he has put tea on grrr!!!! which means mwa gettin off my ass to shut the frigger up!!

As for loo's been upstairs, i might scour e-bay for a cheap commode :rofl: could store it under the stairs and make it into a make shift downstairs loo :lol:

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Whoa, deedee, that's a brilliant idea! I live in a flat, but its quite big and takes what feels like for forever to get up off my arse from the living room to go to the loo! I might just attach a bed pan to my bum... Save the effort lol!
:rofl: next time anyone goes to the hospital tell em to nick you a few of those cardboard hat looking things that way u wont have to go anywhere to pee hahaha :lol: xx
Thinking back I think I felt like this now and again earlier on in pregnancy. Sometimes walking back to the train station after work I'd have to go reaalllly slow as I felt so heavy etc, but usually after a day or two I'd feel ok again, so I just put it down to Bubs position?

Keep an eye on it chick x
Thanks Crackers will do, i dont seem to feel as heavy today but still aware of it, my friend said its due to everything been softer ligaments etc with it been my 2nd etc, i seem to be on knicker watch again :lol: although all has been ok on that front! xx

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