Anyone else with a heart shaped uterus - need some reassurance!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
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Hi ladies. I had a early scan yesterday as I have been having some spotting. They found the little bean but also discovered that I have a heart shaped uterus. They outlined a number of risks that go with this and must say I felt a little taken back by it all. I've already got my one little girl and had a relatively straight forward pregnancy so I guess that's s positive.
Just wondering has anyone been told the same thing? Xx
Yes me. There has been lots of debate about mine, I've had lots of scans over the last few years with people giving different opinions. There can be quite serious side effects depending on the severity of the shape. Mine has eventually been decided as minor, with a bump rather than a septum, so no surgery required to remove it. I have a slight increased chance of mc if implantation happens on the bump as blood flow is restricted to it. I was told there would be no problems with the space aspect and a baby growing due to how minor my bump is. Do you know how heart shaped yours is?
Tbh snowbe I was so overwhelmed at the time I wasn't even sure what it meant. Not sure of the severity but is it something I should ask about at my next scan in two weeks? I'm still having very pale brownish spotting is this normal with a heart shaped womb? They it could be a contributing factor to my spotting. They went through various risks with me but nothing about how sever mine was. I carried my little girl like it and didn't even know so that must be a good thing I suppose.
Will definitely ask more questions next time xx
I had a septate uterus but had it removed as it was causing my miscarriages as it was 2/3 of the way down and had very limited blood flow.

I'd assume that if you've had a child before with it you really don't need to worry.

Spotting is scary but normal.

Will you have an early scan?

An epu will do one if you've got spotting.

Yes maybe. I had an early scan yesterday which is when they discovered it. Xx hope you're well xx
I have a heart shaped uterus due to a partial septum. I had the septum removed before starting ivf as if an embryo implants on the septum the blood flow isn't good enough to sustain a pregnancy. I went on to have a successful pregnancy with no issues and I'm now pregnant again. As others have said I think it depends on what the reason for the heart shape is and how severe it is but it certainly doesn't mean you'll definitely have any issues. You most likely had it in your previous pregnancy which was fine xx

Thanks for the reassurance browneyed girl xx
I made the big mistake of going on dr Google and worrying myself as soon as I got out of the hospital. Will not be doing that again.
Thanks ladies xx
I did that last time and worried myself but when I mentioned it to my consultant she wasn't concerned in the slightest xx

I have also. My sister did as well and she had 2 little ones with no problems. I asked about mine and they said there is nothing to be concerned about. They never said anything about complications and mentioned that it was very common?

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