Anyone else wishing their life away??


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I have my 25 week MW appointment today, and its been 9 weeks since I last saw her, and remember thinking at the time it was a whole 2 months before my next appointment when I saw her at 16 weeks!

I then immediately thought in another 9 weeks I will only be 6 weeks away from meeting my LO........and often think about Xmas etc, thinking on Xmas day I will be due in less than a month etc...

Am I the only one who is wishing their life away in order to meet their LO?
Hi there,

No, you are definately not the only one!!! I couldn't wait til 12 week scan, then counting 4 weeks til I had my 16 week app (yesterday) and am now thinking 5 weeks til next scan!!!! Time seems to be going so so slowly!!!!! Everyone has said that time will go really quickly after 20 week scan, I feel bad in a way wishing the time away as shoudl make the most of every minute of being pregnant but I am a very impatient person and just can't wait to meet LO and get started on baby things!!!! :D
Yeah ive been the same as well, keep thinking and counting to my next appointment and then to christmas but have been told from my Mam to try and stop doing it and enjoy it just been me and my OH before the baby comes but its soo hard to do :lol:
I'm terrible at this! At home on bed rest at the moment after my cervical stitch last week, and literally counting down the hours and days til i my next scan / docs appointment / til i get to 24 weeks etc.

I want a time machine to take me to December!!
Your so not alone. Everyone keeps on saying to me, "You can't have much longer now", but at the moment 11+ weeks feels like forever. As I'm due so close to Christmas I'm really not knowing what to expect this year and I'm hoping the big day will happen a little earlier! (My officila due date is the 27 December, but I had a scan last week which said the baby was measuring right for Christmas day!!!!
ive found having dates to look forward to helps me pass the time - my next few months running up to xmas;

20th & 21st got two days booked off work as its OH's birthday

1st nov - colchester zoo meet :cheer: :cheer: :dance:

12,13,14 nov - got these booked off - going to see mighty booch on the 12th :cheer: :dance:

i think its the 27th nov - next mw appointment

5th dec - alice's birthday!!!!

11th dec - GTT - got the rest of the day off after for last min xmas shopping.

24th - half day at work, and last working day - start matt leave on the 2nd jan, and have the few days between booked off as holiday.

Ive still got 2.5 days left to book off work. Im thinking end of november for xmas shopping :think: (i must sit down and work out how much i have actually worked this year, what with being signed off etc...).

so my next count down is 12 days till the 20th (well this friday as ive got a wedding reception to go to, but it depends on if i can walk or not :cry: )
yep im wishing every single day away! every time i reach a saturday and my baby ticker changes up a week i feel like celebrating :oops:
Sam&Alice said:
24th - half day at work, and last working day - start matt leave on the 2nd jan, and have the few days between booked off as holiday.

same as me!!! I cant wait until xmas!!! :D

I too am wishing the time away and trying to find dates to look to.... next 2 weekends are weddings... then going to see Lee Evans the week after that..... then we can get started on the nursery properly!

Also think we might try slip in a long weekend away before baby is born...apparently called a "babymoon"... love it!

dont worry girlies as soon as we hit december it will fly in to xmas! :D

Oh was in Asda the other day...they have the mince pies in already!!! MUST RESIST!!!!! :lol:
Thank god im not the only one! my OH is getting sick of me saying, phew glad that all went well, so how long till the next appointment etc.
My countdown is
9th Oct - 16 week midwife appointment
7th Nov - 20 week scan
19th Dec - last day at work before xmas break
5th Jan extra scan
sometime in feb another scan

Something every month, but it feels like a lifetime till my 20 week scan!!!! had instructed my other half to plan something on the next 4 weekends so i can put my mind to something else.


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