anyone else seriously struggling?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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I can barely cope at the moment.
Always feel sick always so tired and out of breath
Can barely eat but usually hungry to nibble then full
Really bad low back pain comes and goes
Did I mention TIRED! I'm in bed by 8pm, granted with my son waking alot as he's poorly I dnt sleep through but even if i did id still be tired!
This is all new to me, none of this first time round!!!
Hey Mrs K

This happens to me too, I struggle to get through work some days.

sorry your feeling icky honey xxx
I don't think I am at the complete end of my rope, but I could be getting there...
Been nauseous for 2 weeks, started throwing up today at work (nice), constantly shattered - havent socialised at all.
But I try to laugh about it, if you don't laugh it'll get to ya.
Yes! This is me, accept I can eat unfortuantely I can eat for england lol Some days I am dead on my feet, and running around looking after an 11 month old too, OMG it's a struggle. Love my son so much, but yesterday for example I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry all day I felt so drained and useless! Today was a better day though. Guess it's just a case of dealing with each day as it comes. I'm just hoping once I get out of tri 1 and the hormones balance out a bit more as the placenta takes over that I'll feel better. That's the plan anyways lol
am pretty much the same apart from eating for britain, x
awwww if they knew how much we suffer!
Still terrible here, starting to hit me emotionally esp as hubby doesn't understand why im not my chirpy up to standard housewife!
feeling absolutely dreadful too! been feeling (and being) sick for three weeks. absolutely all food repels me. so i have no energy whatsoever. spend most of my days lying in bed feeling sorry for myself! and now i have the flu to top it all off!
just have to keep telling ourselves that it will all be worth it!
Aw no that feeling chic mine just happens to be cuz there's two in there ;) lol hope it starts to ease soon for u all xxx
Awww wow twins. That's what they expected me to show but only one at 8 week scan so all this poorly was for just one blurred lol
So grateful my son is a good boy, a monkey with flu arm and not sleeping but still cheers me up all day! X

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