Anyone else overdue?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Well I am officially fed up now. I am being induced on friday at 12 days overdue if I don't go in to labour naturally before. I have tried sex, curry, pineapple, nipple stimulation and yesterday I went for a long walk which nearly killed me and nothing has happened. I am not really keen on being induced as I have heard it is more painful and also it probably means I will be in hospital for longer. I find it really strange how I'm not going in to labour as I know my dates are correct. I wouldn't mind having a membrane sweep to see if that works but I havn't got another appointment with my midwife and the next time I see anyone will be friday.
Aww hun, I can see myself being like you. That's a bit crap you didn't get offered a sweep, I have a 41 week appointment next wednesday where they will do a sweep and discuss induction.
Maybe give your midwife or hospital a ring and ask they normally offer them to you when your a week overdue and your past that.
Good Luck :)
Awwww Gemz! I went the same way hun, I know how upsetting frustrating it is. I was right on my dates as well but baby just didn't want to budge!

I'm from Plymouth as well! Good luck with the baby. Am assuming you'll be going to Derriford to have the bubba?
Yup i am overdue too :roll: ,luckily i get a sweep on Monday if nothing has happened by then,can't see why they haven't offered you one hun,really hope something happens for you before Friday,good luck :hug: xx
its a lot more common to go over than it is to deliver before your due anyway aint it, depends how happy baby is being inside ya still, but can understand your frustration, i went over with my 1st and was induced for medical reasons with 2nd, if it dont wanna come out nothing will help apart from medical intervention, though think of it at least youll meet your baby soon :dance:
U should have been offered a sweep by now.. my friend is having one 2mo and she'll be a week and a day overdue then
I hope things get started for u honey :hug:
My last appointment with the midwife was when I was 3 days overdue and she said it was a bit too early to do a sweep and as I am not seeing her again I can't get one. How do you think they will start me off on friday? And yes strangeness I will be going to Derriford.
Can u request a sweep? (i dont know much on induction sorry)
Hi Gemz, I am still here as well!! Resigning myself to the fact that I will be induced either Friday or Saturday (depending on appointment slot). I have a hospital appointment tomorrow morning for a membrane sweep, so am holding onto the faint hope that things will start moving after that. I like you am not looking forward to being induced (reading the internet is a scary thing sometimes!!) but I have gotten to the point where I just want my LO here safe and well - apparently 1 in 5 women have to be induced due to going overdue so we are not alone :)
I was booked in at the hospital for my 41 week check up when i was 4 days overdue and had an inernal examination and a sweep. Not sure whether it made any difference but baby came 4 days later which was a relief as i didn't want to be induced either.
Good luck xx
Really hope i don't end up being induced cause then i can't go to the birthing centre :cry: xx

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