Anyone else off their food?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I just have no appetite at the mo. Dunno if its because Im not well with this bloody UTI - it went ages undiagnosed so its gotten pretty bad and i have been sick and stuff but I am feeling loads better. Or if its just because there aint no room in my belly as Ollie is taking it all up!

With James I ate like a horse around now, but now I just want to pick at little bits and pieces and even 2 slices of toast fills me up!

Anyone else?
Pffft I wish, I;m the opposite, the past week or so I cannot eat enough! It's usually crap as well, I was doing so well up until then too :wall:
I have much less of an apetite and some days I find it hard to eat especially at lunch as I just don't seem hungry
I usually have to force myself to have breakfast, not really hungry at dinner but come mid afternoon there is no stopping me :twisted:
My appetite is still there most of the time. Sometimes I just find myself eating all day, mainly on rubbish. I do get full quick tho, so it tends to be little and often.

Some days tho, I'll get to this time and realise all I've had is a sandwich or something. That's normally if I've had a busy day out and about. Like today, I didn't have breakfast - dropped the older 2 at school and preschool at 8.55 and 9.15, then went to Tesco. Then came home and put shopping away before going to pick Molly up from preschool at 11.45 (I ate a doughnut at this point!). Then home again, forced lunch down the younger 2 and off to music group for 1.15 (I had 1 roll with marmite). Then straight to school to pick Chloe up at 3.30 and home again for 4pm. Quick tidy up of the house while kids busy playing/watching TV. Then got dinner for them ready and supervised them eating while running the bath (Ate some grapes). Then bathtime for all 3, followed by pyjamas, story and bed at 7.30. No idea when OH will be home, bless him - he's having to work long hours at the mo so he can have some time off to help out when baby arrives.

Might make myself a bowl of pasta now, and put my feet up for a bit!

Hope you feel better soon Jen :hug: You've had a rough time, so not surprising you feel like this. Just try to stick to the good stuff when you do feel you can manage something. (I'm such a hypocrite! :lol: )
MummyJess said:
My appetite is still there most of the time. Sometimes I just find myself eating all day, mainly on rubbish. I do get full quick tho, so it tends to be little and often.

Some days tho, I'll get to this time and realise all I've had is a sandwich or something. That's normally if I've had a busy day out and about. Like today, I didn't have breakfast - dropped the older 2 at school and preschool at 8.55 and 9.15, then went to Tesco. Then came home and put shopping away before going to pick Molly up from preschool at 11.45 (I ate a doughnut at this point!). Then home again, forced lunch down the younger 2 and off to music group for 1.15 (I had 1 roll with marmite). Then straight to school to pick Chloe up at 3.30 and home again for 4pm. Quick tidy up of the house while kids busy playing/watching TV. Then got dinner for them ready and supervised them eating while running the bath (Ate some grapes). Then bathtime for all 3, followed by pyjamas, story and bed at 7.30. No idea when OH will be home, bless him - he's having to work long hours at the mo so he can have some time off to help out when baby arrives.

Might make myself a bowl of pasta now, and put my feet up for a bit!

Hope you feel better soon Jen :hug: You've had a rough time, so not surprising you feel like this. Just try to stick to the good stuff when you do feel you can manage something. (I'm such a hypocrite! :lol: )

Jezuz woman are you super-mum or what??! And here I am moaning cos i have one to look after whilst pregnant!! How old are your kids?
:lol: It's not like that everyday, honest! They're 7, 4 and 17 months. It's hard work but I wouldn't change it for the world. And as I'm still only 25 I fully intend to go crazy in a few years time!! :lol:

Of course you can moan about having one to look after - he is only little and you have been poorly :hug: .

I think we just get on with it because there's no other option! (But I like the idea of being supermum - thanks!)

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