Anyone else not got sore boobs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I've not had sore boobs for the last few days and m/s has subsided since I've been eating a lot less and more simply. Other than the odd light cramp am feeling almost normal again.

Am pleased but slightly concerned- dumb huh?!
Neither have I!

Other than weeing a little more I feel normal too so dont worry xx
mine arnt sore although one of the cats landed on my nipple the other night tmi lol and that hurt a bit they are just highly sensative! but never got it or m/s in my other pregnancy funny how things change
Ah good- glad i'm not the only one! I had sensitive boobs from week 4-6 then sickness from week 6-7 but now I am managing that. I am finding that there is still very little I feel like eating but I think I got sick of feeling sick!
I feel like that too dont really fancy eating anything but dont feel sick or anything, im not complaining either lol with mt son, from the day I found out I was preg I constantly felt sick untill I was about 14 weeks! Im just glad im gettin away with it this time, well so far lol.
Ive not had sore boobs apart from if kids jump on one while playing:oooo:!! all women are different, some just breeze through it some don't, i wouldn't worry to much.x:)
You are not being silly by asking your question. I posted a thread yesterday (in the wrong section oops)!!!! I am just 5 weeks pregnant and had sore boobs but they seem to be easing now and I have had no sickness so far. I do feel exhausted but that is more to do with teaching thirty 6 year olds I think!!! You almost want certain symptoms just to reassure you all is still ok. x
Today I got tender nipples, had sore boobs the other day as well. I've had more
symptoms this time round though! With
my 2 boys I had barely any symptoms! Goes
to show, no 2 pregnancies are the same.
I never had sore boobs with the others, this time I did have for a few week swhile they were rowing a good bra size up!

Hubby says the boob fairys been again!

Here we got TMI - have got nipples that you could hang coats on! goodness!
Thing is that I've already got big boobs so I'm thinking maybe they didn't need to grow much more :lol:
I don't have sore boobs. Morning sickness disappeared for a few days as well and I was so happy - until it came back yesterday! :lol:

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