Anyone else kakking it yet?

Fee Fee :hug: What an awful experience you had...

My sister and I were due 12 days apart with or first babies, due to her waters breaking early, she delivered by emergency c section 6 weeks early and had a really bad time with internal bleeding....

So, when at 42 weeks I was induced, you can imagine how terrified I was when after a failed induction and 36 hour labour they said I was having a section. Once I got to theatre, I was so calm, and I can honestly say it was one of the most AMAZING experiences of my life..I was awake, felt NO pain (I did feel tugging and her being lifted from me-they had to use forceps as she was stuck) and everyone made it so wonderful. Please dont be scared, I was the most scared mum to be ever during my pregnancy, I had panic attacks and would wail "I cant do it" at every available moment!! :rotfl: My recovery was a bit slow as the scar was infected, but anti biotics sorted me out, and I was soon bak to normal

Its a brillant experience, so be excited! :cheer: :hug:
Thank you soooo much for sharing your stories, it does help but i guess untill ma wee man is out and safe and i'm feeling better this worry just wont go lol

I do mean it when i say thank you though, its hard to sound appreciative online but really i am lol
FeeFee said:
Thank you soooo much for sharing your stories, it does help but i guess untill ma wee man is out and safe and i'm feeling better this worry just wont go lol

I do mean it when i say thank you though, its hard to sound appreciative online but really i am lol

Nothing anyone could tell me could reassure me...I dealt with it in my own way in the end, I was so calm when I got to the hospital, and I was just so relieved it was all nearly over and I would be holding bubba soon. Once she was here, I was just so pleased we were both healthy and well. Good luck xxxxx
fee one big difference this time hun , u got the best hubby to support u through it :hug: oh and ya friends down the road aint too bad either :wink: i just hope u dont spend the next few weeks stressing over it , and try and enjoy (haha) the rest of the pregnancy ! i cant give no advice , just a shoulder to moan and cry too !

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