Anyone else kakking it yet?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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I think its only just hitting me that although i'm pregnant i gotta get this little lad outta me in August which really isnt that long away, i have to have a c section and found a video online ( ) which although is helpful has done me no favours and is scaring the bejesus outta me :(

I'm really starting to get scared now :cry:
wow! that's amazing! I love how much it moves as soon as they pull it out!

And I watched the whole thing whilst eating a blackcurrant muller rice!! Good job I'm not squeamish!

Don't worry, it looks quite bad but with a spinal block you won't even feel it, and the doctors know what they're doing.

Its not that i'm squeamish and i do agree with you it is amazing, i'm just so worried that that IS going to be in August :|
I've had lots of surgerys and i REALLY don't like them and knowing i have to go through this is really upsetting me now, i know it will be worth it to hold our son in my arms but i'm so scared of things going wrong as i am not an easy case by any stretch of the imagination :cry:
I know it must be scary now that it's getting so close, but try and keep focusing on the outcome of holding your baby rather than what might go wrong.

You'll be fine hun.

Yeah I agree. It's supposed to be a routine operation, and it's considered safer for baby and mother than vaginal birth. They usually perform C-section in cases when delivering the baby naturally would be very dangerous. So, it's done for the best, don't worry.

I've watched a number of them in LivingTV babies-special delivery program and they say there that babies are delivered within the first 5 to 10 minutes of the operation.

Don't worry and stay positive, it's all done for the best and you'll forget all about it when you hold your baby in your arms. It's good to think of it as the way to bring you closer to your baby! :hug:
yeah, I've gone through the being scared and now I'm in a positive mood thinking that there'll be pain but it will mean that I'm going to meet the baby soon, and that makes me feel better about it.
Although I have plenty of weeks left to resort back to the original panic!

If we focus on the great bit at the end it should be easier to stay calm and focused about what we have to go through! good luck ladies!!
hi all, im really looking forward to it this time round but i do have the advantage of having gone through it once. i loved pregnancy and labour last time and hopefullly the experience will be the same again this time. im sure we will all be fine. wont be long either it seems to be flying by. xxxx
I think it is the fear of the unknown and because of the major complications i had with DD first time round with my natural birth, its kinda like a brand new and un known again i guess thats why its scaring me so dammed much :wall:
i think its natural to feel scared or nervous about the unknown i think if i was told i had got to have a c section i would be really cacking it lol. i wud have to go totally under tho cus there is no way a needle is oin in my spine under any circumstances. the thought absolutely terrifies me!!! xxxxx
Kakking it? You have no idea lol!!! I am absolutly bricking it :|

The other day I thought it would be a good idea to download a couple of childbirthing videos for me and OH to watch so we both no what to expect. I got a natural birth, C section, delivery of the placenta and a breech birth. BIG MISTAKE to watch the last one! It looked horrific for that poor woman having her baby come out feet first. When it had finished we both just stared at the blank screen for ages, I don't think he quite knew what to say to me after that lol.
You will be fine hon! Don't worry. Every mum worries about the birth because its fear of the unknown. I thought the video was great! The mother was so calm and relaxed because it was all planned. Abigail was an emergency c-section and it was after 24 hours of labour so it wasn't that relaxed. You will be prepared and be able to rest beforehand, not be absoultly exhusted from labour. Do some reading about c-sections and enlist help from your family and friends. They give you lots of care and help afterwards so you will be fine. x
yea i am scared but also excited, whatever pain it is im thinking its for a baby. dreamt i gave birth last night :) was good holding the baby :)
Being the 4th time round i can honestly say i am still bricking it just as much as i did the 1st time!! Its natural to be scared of it and after watching that video clip up there of the c-section i hope to god i get another normal delivery, i don't think i fancy that a c-section rather go through the pain of delivery and be ok to do stuff more of less straight away.... ok apart from sit down!!!

Im sure you will be fine Fee Fee :hug: did you have a section 1st time round then?
Hi Paula, no i had a horrendous birth with DD, Get comfy and i'll fill you in with the basics!

I was induced when i was 14 days over, on the Wednesday 6am and was in steady labour through till very early Thursday morning, i was then given my epidural which failed to work and dropped my bp to 60/40 and also DD heart stopped, she was face to pubes and they never detected it, i stopped dilating at 5cm and then went back to 3cm.

Friday early am they put me on "speed it up drugs" which did help the labour progress, i got to fully dilated at 8am and after 3 and a half hours of pushing they decided to "help" me and gave me a episotomy (sp) forceps delivery and finally DD was born at 11.55am on the Friday.

If that had been it it would have been bad but it wasn't even the start!

The registrar had cut my sphincter colon and bowel so badly that i needed a colostomy for 2 years to give my bowel time to recover and have all the reconstruction surgeries, they didnt find out the damage to me for over 3 days and by that time septicemia had kicked in and i was basically dying.

Because of the difficult labour DD was up in SCBU as she stopped breathing and had contracted Group Strep B from me and was very poorly from that.

I then had the next 2 and a half years of operations and in and out of hospital trying to repair the damage that was done to me, i was in hospital so long when i had DD that i lost my flat i was renting as i couldnt afford my rent and was discharged to the homeless persons unit here in Harrow at 20 years old with my new born baby no job and very much alone,

So now you ladies kinda get the drift as to why i'm so worried,

Sorry for the long post BTW, i'm just so worried it will go all so wrong again
:shock: Blimey hun, no wonder you are worried, but i am sure a c-section after that will be heaven, at least you won't have to go through any of that...... when i first started reading your birth story it sounded just like my 1st to the delivery everything apart from the awful things that happened to you from being cut.....

I was 14 days over due, induced, given every drug under the sun, spinal block which didn't work, a drip like you they forgot to turn the valve on for an hr, and i was cut and given a forceps delivery too which i found awful in it's self and that put me off children for 5 years i can tell you, but what you went through i totally understand you having a c-section if i was in your shoes i would too with out a doubt :hug: :hug: Blimey i still can't get over what you went through, did the hospital pay you any money out or anything, seems they made a right c**k up that's for sure , im sure your birth this time round will be fine anything will be easy after what you have been through.

Even i swore after my 1st i would never ever let them induce me again and i would never go back to a hospital, so i had my other 2 in a midwife unit which made all the difference and a totally different experience, i swear hospital cut you just to make things quicker!! :?
Oh Jeez Fee fee!! What a Story!!! :shock: :shock: You poor thing!

Now I'm looking forward to the whole experience even more!!!

I keep stressing real bad, I have nightmares all the time, and even have had panic attacks. But deep down I know there is no going back, so I've got to get over my fears and come to terms with the fact that one way or another this baby is coming out.

I am really hoping ang praying for a c section, at least you'll know whats happening and when. It's gotta be better than your last time!! :hug:

Piglet xx
Yeah i did sue and got a VERY small payout, if it had gone through to high court i would have lost the case as DD isn't brain damaged (thank god!)
I still have all my notes and what not and reading reports from Harley Street saying there is no way the fetus should have survived really does bring it home about how lucky i am :|
Sorry you went through so much FeeFee :shock: :hug:

I'm also bricking it, as even though I don't want to know about labour and birth and stuff I just can't help asking people about it and watching every possible program/video on it, and then I really regret it afterwards and think oh man this is gonna be bad. But ah well, I'll have an epidural or a C section and it'll all be goooooood...

Then someone told me a epidural wasn't an injection it was a tube in your spine, and I just thought ew I ent having no tube in my spine.

I thought C Section would be ok but then heard that you have to go into theatre afterwards as it's like major abdominal surgery and really fks you up, and then that just sounded like a bad idea.

So the only good options left are birth pool and gas+air. Both of which are still gonna hurt like hell :shock:
Its funny isnt it we were all so happy to be pregnant and then it hits.... what goes in must come out and usually a HECK of alot bigger lol

My first was 9lb 4oz hope this one isnt as big although i guess it wont make much difference :think:
I had a C-Section with Macaulay. from the Doctor cutting me to Macaulay being born was 4 mins. I had a natural birth with jordan and that was worse for me. Don't worry hun, you'll be fine and look on the bright side you'll can be waited on for 6 wks after - no housework or nothing LOL.

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