Anyone else have this problem?


Active Member
May 8, 2012
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My lo is 8 weeks old and hates going to sleep at night, just seems like a battle. He has recently outgrown his Moses basket so he is currently in his cot although he crys then needs a cuddle and this continues normally until his 10.30 feed.any help wOuld be appreciated- thanks
I'm going through this with Stanley at the moment! He sleeps through but I have a real battle getting him to settle!!!
i never tried to put alyssa down in her cot til after 10/11 when i went to bed the first few weeks we used it. ive only just now started putting her down at 9 when she naturally falls asleep for the night. she seemed to fight sleep if she didnt think it was time to go to bed lol
If max doesn't fall asleep after his 9/10 pm bottle I rock him whilst holding him horizontally across my chest. Sometimes this is enough, sometimes we put music on (that ALWAYS works). We also have a rocking chair that works too.

Do you try and get him to self settle though? I don't and never have, I'm not worried about him getting used to being cuddled to sleep as ill happy continue doing that if it works.

Oh and also are you saying you try and get him to sleep before his 10.30pm feed?? As it probably won't happen just yet! Think it needs to be a gradual process moving their bedtime earlier (like 7pm) but someone correct me if I'm wrong :s
At 8weeks D was probably going to bed around 10 as he wouldn't go to sleep any earlier than that. He gradually brought this time forward himself and now goes to bed around 7. I think that was around 13weeks x
Theo is 8 weeks and we do a bath, bottle bed routine at 7pm, then he sleeps until 10 when we wake him up and then he goes straight back down. We started this at 6 weeks and it works really well for us. You could try this?! The first couple of nights he cried a bit, so we would go in, give him his dummy and come out again. Eventually he went to sleep and now he drops off straight after the bottle because he knows it's bedtime. Xx
Henry was the same when he outgrew his Moses and he went into the crib. I think he felt a little lost on it as its bigger,so I've rolled up a cot blanket and put that in a u shape so the blanket touches his arms and he doesn't feel as lost. That's worked really well & he sleeps a lot better now. Maybe worth giving that a go xxx
Albert is 8 weeks, takes an 8oz bottle at 9.30, gets swaddled and sleeps for 6-8 hours. Am not looking forward to him growing out of being swaddled!

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