Anyone else gone off food


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I knew i couldnt eat a full meal in the evenings at this is Colliers play time and he dose not toloreate food getting in his bouncing space :shakehead: :rotfl: :rotfl: MONKEY

But the past few days ive found i really can not eat a full meal
and im going hours without wanting food
When ive finaly made a meal i stare at it and thInk i really don't want you
i eat it but cant get through more then half of it.
ive not even touched the Choccie cake i got from OH'S Step mum
i still have 10 out of 12 caburys cream eggs
and id forgotten i had a packet of lemon bob-bons and fudge in the cupboard
:think: :? :rotfl:

I LOVE my food and i usuall want secind and a pudding
im sure colliers fine as hes not stopped kicking and moving for at least 4 days for more then an hour
but im worred im not giving him enough nutrients in the long run

im still eating fruit and veg there my stple diet at the mo snacking on oranges and sugar snaps

is this enough for my Son and myself??

sarah :wave:
i would of thought so, doesnt matter the amount of what you eat collier will get what he needs from you - but you might feel like rubbish. ur eating the main stuff fruit and veg, my doc told me (ive put no weight on at all) so long as i eat 3 balanced meals a day then they not really bothered!! The baby will always gets what it needs which is why we feel rubbish sometimes, as its taking somthing off us!

No - I am still a right piggie!!! I think you need some more carbs - is there anything you like which you can have - crackers, toast etc? Get some protein down as well - milk, meat, fish, yoghurts, cheese? :hug:
Don't worry Sarah :hug:

It'll be because space is becoming tight in your bump and Collier hasn't "dropped" yet. I went off food almost completely between about 31 and 34 weeks and really worried my husband. I have however now transformed once again into a lard-guzzling biff so that's OK - my bump seems to have dropped this week so I think I've got a bit more room in there.

I bet the same thing is happening to you? Not long to wait before he drops and you can eat your Easter eggs in peace :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:

ive just managed to eat a whole jacket Tattie with some tuna mayo :D
usually have 2 jackets and a whole tin of tuna
But this is a result so im feeling much better :D
and celebrating by eating the lemon bon-bons i found :dance: :dance:

sarah :wave: :wave: :wave:
enjoy your bon bons lol. im holding out for my crispy duck pancakes were having later

It's too early for me but i've gone off food as well. its not that i don't eat i try and force my self but most of the time i don't feel like i want to eat or even feel hungry.!
maldives said:
It's too early for me but i've gone off food as well. its not that i don't eat i try and force my self but most of the time i don't feel like i want to eat or even feel hungry.!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope you feel more like food soon hun

sarah :hug:
The trick is little and often as your stomach has very little room now till LO drops. Trying to fit in a normal sized meal probably will be a struggle for most women.

I have in the last few days started eating a decent sized evening meal. The past few weeks I really couldn't fit it in. Gutting as I love my food :roll:
somedays I feel really hungry and eat loads, others I just pick at stuff all day. Don't worry about forcing yourself to eat a big meal if you don't feel like it

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