Anyone else going to have a mixed race baby?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Just wondering really, not for any reason in particular. Im white and my OH is Indian which doesnt really cause many problems apart from with parents! My mum loves him and is being an amazing granny to be which is great but my dad (my parents are divorced) is another matter altogether. Hes only met OH twice and has insulted him both times so hes not allowed in our house anymore, hes not really interested in the pregnancy so I dont bother with him now.

And as for OHs parents, well I dont really know as they still refuse to meet me even though we've been together nearly 5years :shock: The rest of our families are great, his and my siblings etc are all fine with it so it doesnt bother me too much, I just see it as a bonus not having in laws :lol:

Im just feeling for bubba a bit as he/she wont really have grandparents apart from my mum although the way shes going I think she'll more than make up for it. Shes already got us a cot, moses basket and high chair for free from her friend and has brought us the pram, car seat and play mat! Now shes asking when she can start buying toys :lol:

Is anyone in a similar situation?

I'm not in the same situation as you whatsoever but thought i'd just say firstly i think mixed race kids are so gorgeous :) . Its bound to be hard on OH as his parents don't bother, maybe they will when the child is born, but it will be their loss wont it - although this doesn't fix the situation. I have an indian friend and i know from his conversations that their religion is very strict - well his parents are anyhow, he was forced to leave his girlfriend too and says he will never love again, i think she was a different religion as well or different skin colour, but all you can do i guess is stay positive and make the best of the situation and maybe one day things will work out - fingers crossed your dad will come round too - i'd say your wee baby will be well enough loved with all the others who support you both !
I don't know of anyone who is due at the moment, but there are a few on the forum.

KJ has baby Asher who is about 15 months now.

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
I don't know of anyone who is due at the moment, but there are a few on the forum.

KJ has baby Asher who is about 15 months now.

Valentine Xxx

There's also gymbabeliz with Anjali - Liz is British and her OH is Indian I think...
Thanks for your replies :) Im hoping his parents will meet the bubba even if they still refuse to meet me, I dont really care but I would like the baby to know them. Still we have enough friends and siblings between us so bubba will learn about both countries and religions even without grandparents. At least my mum is being good about it anyway so it could be worse!
I'm spanish (white european let's say) and my husband is Pakistani.

I have been very lucky as my parents have accepted him very well from the beginning and I have been accepted in his family as well (I met his parents when the came to visit 3 years ago and I went to visit them to Pakistan in 2007). My sisters-in-law live in Manchester as well and they are lovely, I spend a lot of time with them and are very excited about the baby.

We are going to teach my baby about all the cultures (spanish, pakistani and british!). We are quite open-minded about this and I think the baby will grow up with a lot of knowledge and awareness of the world.

and yes, I think my baby will be gorgeous!!!!!!! :D
Hi honey

My parents are both Indian and I have several cousins that have married and had children with white or black partners. The partners and the children are treated exactly the same as anyone else, that is they are loved and welcomed into the family with open arms.

I think where a family haven't experienced a mixed marriage/partnership before it can be harder for the older generation to accept, especially if they have traditional views.

I promise as soon as you have your little one or even before their hearts will melt and they'll give you all the love and affection you deserve,

And yes mixed Indian/white children are always stunners!

Thanks for your replies, Im glad everyone thinks I'll be having a gorgeous baby! Of course I knew that already :lol:

I hope you're right that as soon as they see bubba they will be fine, they already have 8nieces and nephews though who are all born to 2 Indian parents so not sure they'll be bothered if they dont see so much of ours :( I hope Im wrong about that, just have to wait and see I guess.

Im not going to stress myself about it though, bubba will have a mummy and daddy who love him/her very much and also lots of uncles, aunts and one granny to be spoilt by anyway so Im better off than a lot of people. Id just better quickly start learning to speak Punjabi, I can see my OH teaching bubba all sorts of things and I wont know what they're talking about :lol:
Not in the same boat but wanted to offer you these :hug: :hug: :hug: and my in-laws, if you are desperate for some - take them free of charge :lol:
Hi Mudgey,

As Valentine said, my little boy is mixed race. My husband is black Nigerian and I am white British.

We are in a similar situation as I don't think his parents really approved of him marrying me. Neither me nor Asher have ever met them. So he only knows one set of grandparents at the moment, my parents. Thankfully they are absolutely brilliant, and so are my grandparents. He is definitely not short of love and attention.

However I do worry about when he is older. Being half Nigerian is a big part of who he is, and I want him to learn about his heritage and culture. At the moment we can't afford to visit Nigeria, but hopefully in a few years when we've saved up, we can take him and introduce him to his grandparents.

On the plus side, there's no arguing about who's family to stay with over Christmas or Easter!

pm me if you ever need to talk.

Mama 2 Be said:
Not in the same boat but wanted to offer you these :hug: :hug: :hug: and my in-laws, if you are desperate for some - take them free of charge :lol:

I think I'll pass but thanks anyway :rotfl: Thats the only good thing about the situation!! :lol:

Thats kind of what I worry about, the missing out on the whole culture and language bit but Im sure OH will teach bubba lots about it and lots of our friends are Indian so they wont be missing out too much hopefully. And thats very true about the Christmas arguments, we wont have that problem either :lol:

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