Anyone else find it hard to sleep when baby is sleeping?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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I dont know why I do it to myself. Kayden goes down for the night at 8pm & wakes for a feed between 12 & 1 (due one now!) & after he has that feed he'll sleep til around 5/6, so he's sleeping a decent amount thro the night, why cant I sleep when he does, after he goes down for the night I sort out my other LO for bed & homework then have my dinner & after i've sat for maybe an hour its time for another feed, I normally go straight to bed at the 12/1 feed, rather than go to bed at 8 which I really should be doing coz i'm absolutely shattered

OH does feeds too but its never a straight 3/4 hours coz there's always something he needs to ask me about or show me or something :roll:
Wow I'm jealous of how long your baby is sleeping. Drake is up every 1.5-2 hours on a good night. Bad nights he just won't settle. I'm finding it hard to sleep when he does purely because when he sleeps in the day its not for a long period of time either! Or he won't settle unless hes being cuddled. Lol
Kayden is like that during the day, he doesn't sleep for any more than an hour from 7am - 7pm & he only does that 3 times. Thinking about taking him into a bedroom for a day time nap where its darker coz my living room is quite bright. But its exhausting during day time hours, he goes in his seat or baby gym but doesn't last long before he's crying, so i'm basically holdin him all day so my night times are spent sorting things out around the house ect.

I find you have to run about doing chores when they are asleep otherwise they don't get done and you can't sleep knowing there is stuff to do! Plus I feel I need that unwind time to myself to watch the soaps or something! I'm still like hemera though and only get short bursts of 1.5 to 2 hours. Maybe you should try going to bed at 10 so you get a few more hours but also get some stuff done?
I can't sleep because I'm already thinking about him waking up again and can't relax!
I'm exact same hopefulmummy - I lie there thinking I might as well just stay awake & listen out, its madness.

Yeah Sarah I really should go to bed at 10ish i keep saying i'm gonna get a proper early night & go to bed at like 6pm & let OH do feeds but I duno it just doesn't feel right. Plus my other LO is normally up til around 10 so I dont even get time to relax until she's sorted out!

Today Kayden had a very bad day & only slept for 45mins all day - he's had a really sore tummy.He's been awake & crying all day, he's been sleeping for 3 hours now & i've been tidying up everything i've literally had to leave at my arse all day coz I dont wana annoy OH anymore he's done so much today already.

I'm exactly the same, as soon as he's asleep I start washing up/tidying up and doing stuff and before I know it he's awake and crying again and needs feeding. It never stops!

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