Anyone else feel like..


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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everything has dragged since you got to 20 weeks?? :shock:

Between 12 and 20 weeks I thought it was flying in but the last few weeks seems to be going really slowly! Maybe things will speed up a bit in Tri 3 :lol:
It's definitely flown by for me up until now, but I'm 20 weeks tomorrow so I wonder if it will feel like things are slowing down after that!
I'll tell you when I hit the 20 week marker!! 7 weeks to 13 weeks have flown by though for me! xxx
it feels like it was ages ago that i was going for my 20 week scan! though i do also know what you mean, but ive found that having to sort out taking holiday and sorting out maternity leave has made me realise how little time i have left at work, and until tri 3! have heard people say tri 3 drags!!! but im sure we will all think it went really quick one our bubs are here!
oh no dont say that lol seems to be dragging just to get to my 20 week mark lol
Dragging for deffo - but then again I'm really impatient! x
Only since my scan last week , but its seriously dragging . I need some stuff to look forward to to help pass the time I think .
Yeah it's just been since the 20 week scan for me too that it seems to have dragged! I really hope Tri3 doesn't drag lol

I suppose it helps things go quicker if you have things to look forward to inbetween :)
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From finding out I was pg to 19/20 weeks dragged by... I thought I'd never reach the half way marker... But since I hit about 19/20 weeks things have gone quicker seems only yesterday that my bump exploded! And that was at about 19+4... I know it's only been a couple of weeks but it doesn't even seem that long! Hoping things carry on like this for a bit at least :D x

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