Anyone else feel like its taking forever??!

Anna B

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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OK, I know these things take time, and in realitly, time will fly by, but at the moment, its just creeping along as slowly as it possibly can!!

I still don't really 'feel' pregnant (despite my morning sickness strting just this morning!!) and as I have had no contact so far from a midwife, I just feel like its never going to happen! Novenmber seems like such a long time away, and I don't feel like I will ever get there!!

Anyone else like me?
i know how you feel buti am at the other end of the scale as i am now 4 days overdue.
I have been in tri 1 FOREVER :rotfl:

Only 3 more days till I can cross over to the dark side!
yes I feel exactly the same. I find myself saying that I am furtehr on than I actually am in the hope that it makes time go faster!
I know how you feel, I felt exactly the same way. I can still remember being 6 weeks pregnant and thinking January would take forever to come. Honestly though looking back now it flew by. Enjoy your pregnancy because before you know it, you no longer sleep and your belly looks like a lump of jelly!!!

(but you do have a beautiful baby that you wouldn't swap for the world)
i know how you feel.

the first tri has taken so long it feels like i've been here forever!!

it has gone quicker since i hit ten weeks and the last couple of weeks have flown.

once you see your midwife it will start to seem more real! :hug:
Hi Anna,

I feel exactly the same and we're due around the same time. I had an appointment with a midwife last week at my local GP surgery. I thought it was my booking appointment and was quite excited at the prospect that it would finally feel as though I was "really" pregnant, but no. The midwife was only a stand-in and she simply took my name and address and gave me a print off (fom the internet) about which foods to avoid! She didn't even bother to mention taking folic acid (luckily I knew to do this already), or to weigh me or anything. And, using her handy card calculator, told me I was a week "less" pregnant than I thought. I tried to explain that my cycle was shorter than their standard 28 days, but she just said I'd have to wait for a scan to know my due date.

The NHS in Scotland is pathetic. You only get one scan here and it's a dating scan, not the nuchal fold test.

Yesterday, I booked myself in for a dating scan at my local private Nuffield hospital. It costs £75 and it's on 4th April. I'll put it on my credit card if I have to! Once I know how far along in the pregnancy I am (and that, touch wood, everything looks ok), I'm going to then book the Nuchal Translucency scan with blood test (which I think should be done between 11 and 13 weeks).

Like you, I'm impatient to know what's going on. I guess I just want some reassurance that everything's okay. My cousin and my sister-in-law both got to what they thought were 12 weeks only to be told at their scans - (in my cousin's case) that her baby had died at 6 weeks and (in my sister-in-law's case) that she had a blighted ovum, not a sustainable pregnancy.

Logically, I know that these incidences are rare and it's more common to have a developing fetus in there by the time of your first scan, but I can't help worrying. The longer you are pregnant - even just these early few weeks - the more you're geared up for this baby and you just want reassurance that everything is going to be fine. I was the same in the first tri with my last two pregnancies - and they were fine, but I still want to get past the first 13 weeks.

We'll just have to fret impatiently together till we cross over to 2nd tri! :D

Have you thought about paying for a dating scan privately?
1st trimester felt so long I thought it would never ever end!
As soon as I'd passed that 13 week threshold I forgot about counting the weeks so intensely for a while and things really started to pick up speed. Now I'd like it to go slow so I can savour this time trying to get prepared (while I can still tie my own shoe laces!).
tri 1 lasted ages even tho most people are only in it for about 8 weeks! but tri 2 flies by so fast and tri 3 is doing also so far. i remember someone telling me when i was 6 weeks gone how fast the time would go, and they were so right! honestly it will be november before u know it! xx

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