Anyone else bitter at other people's happiness?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
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I feel so rotten :( but I suppose I'm still up in the air after what happened

I suffered my 3rd miscarriage in January, my nephew is due in 2 weeks and my mother text me asking me if I was going to see the new baby when he arrives, I told her I didn't know when really I just wanted to say hell no :/ my parents had no idea I was pregnant! I did tell a few close friends very cautiously but avoided telling close family incase anything happened and it did :( I don't think I can be near my brothers girlfriend when they have the baby! I know it's a horrible thing to say/do but they have something I want and I'm just not in the mood to be around happy people at the moment

A couple of my friends have also announced their pregnancies on Facebook, which prompted me to hide their status updates from my newsfeed!

I feel like such a b*tch but I can't stand happiness at the moment!

Tell me it gets better :(
I get it hun. No-one knew about my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies and i'm glad now because i did miscarry. But of course, people think you're being ott. Even my husband got inpatient with me in the end - our niece was born in sept (she orignally was due the same day as my first pregnancy) and even if i see her now with my husband i have to fight not to cry.

Sorry for your loss :( it is entirely normal to feel that way xxx
It's tough (I have had 4 losses) but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

I am thankful to hear about healthy, progressing pregnancies and babies that are born healthy.

I know there are people out there in much worse situations so I try to keep my mind-set as positive as possible

It does get easier..

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I'm the same, sebbiesmum. I don't want to have to make nice to these people. I've hidden a couple of people on FB too, as it's easier than having stuff come up all the time.

Don't worry about doing it, you do what you have to do to get through it.
Me too, it's natural to feel like this. It's our hormones screaming "that should be me!" It doesn't mean you're a bad person so don't beat yourself up. Big hugs xx
It gets easier hunni I promise *hugs* It;s been 18 months since my last loss and I am in a place where I can be happy for people and I can be cooing over other peoples babies. Instead of thinking that should have been me, I now think this will be me one day.

Wishing you all the very best xxx
It does get easier. I'm not going to say it stops hurting entirely when you see pregnant women or newborn babies or people announce their pregnancies, but you do get to the point where you can be happy for them, even if you feel sad for yourself.

My last MC (and pregnancy) was back in was 2011 and I'm at the point where I can be happy for others and I can enjoy holding newborns and I don't feel so bad around pregnant women. Now my main issue is this overwhelming fear of being pregnant again - I want it so badly, but I'm so scared it either won't happen at all (I have fertility issues) or that it does but I MC again.

(((((HUGS))))) You're not a horrible person. You're perfectly normal and what you're feeling and experiencing is normal for all mothers who have lost a baby.
Thanks guys :)

Knowing that it's completely normal to hate pregnant people and babies at the moment makes me feel somewhat at ease!! And knowing it gets easier makes me feel better too :) it's just gonna take a bit of time x

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