Anyone doing/done weight watchers?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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I seriously need to lose some weight and normally I am an atkins girl but can't do it while breastfeeding :( so I have decided to do weight watchers seen as they have a plan for breastfeeding mothers.

I have never done weight watchers before and was wondering if anyone on here was doing or was thinking about it and would like to share the journey with me? X
i did weight watchers for a year and a half and lost 5 and a half stone. i found it pretty easy and i could still have a chinese or macdonalds if i wanted it so it didnt feel like a diet really and their sweets snacks and ready meals are actually quite tasty too. and i only joined to keep a friend company too lol
5 and a half stone? Omg, not bad for keeping a friend company lol

I am wondering how I am going to get my head round it all to be honest, but it's reassuring to know you found it easy and lost so much weight!

Have you managed to keep it off hun? X
Im thinking of starting myself so am interested in replys xxx
I do weight watchers. I have lost 3 stone in total. It's very flexible and a great way to lose weight sensibly as there is nothing you can't eat in
Tinytoes do you have much to lose hun? If you fancy some support while do it I am going to my first meeting tomorrow - scary!!

Spammy - it sounds really positive from what I can tell but o am going to have to work on my willpower and self discipline. At the moment that 1 square of galaxy is turning into the whole 150g bar lol
3 stones is an awsome loss - how long have you been doing it?
I have been going for ages but lost the 3 stone in about 9 months I think. Then had a break of about 6 months and have just gone back recently.

The plan has changed a lot to how it was when I started but it is VERY flexible. You get a point allowance for each day but also some reserve points that you can dip in to so if you need that chocolate fix you can do it without blowing it. I would highly recommend it!
3 stone in 9 months? Bloody hell, thats brill considering you enjoyed what you were eating!

Oooh Spammy I am a little excited now lol I hope it's as easy as you make it sound!

I have to fit into a dress in October that I wore before I was pregnant. I have a 50th Wedding party to attend and I can't afford to buy something new to wear plus I have 2 dresses in my closet that have only been worn once maybe twice!

Any tips for snacks etc?
I try and just have a little bit Of what I fancy. If I want a biscuit with my coffee il have one but just fit the rest of my day in to suit it. You can have fruit for no points as well so I eat lots of bananas and grapes. With a sandwhich if I want crisps I will have quavers or French fries. For a chocolate fix maybe a milky way or a curly whirly!? Theres nothing you cant have you just have to count everything and track your points carefully. It really works!
I love love love ww.....lost 4 stone last year and shall be heading back once bubba arrives to get rid of excess! x

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Quiet a bit Miss , but I cant join for another two weeks as they have told me I have to have my six week check-up first :shakehead: I'm 13 stone and disgtusted with myself
Wow you girls have lost a serious amount of weight on this diet huh?

I am slowly getting my head round the fact you can eat what you want on it - just not the amount you want haha

Spammy - I have not had a curly whirly for bloody years! lol I so want one now!!!

Smith1980 - wow a day overdue? How are you feeling?

Tinytoes....I am 13stone 10 hun and being a short arse I am not carrying it very well! Also, totaly disgusted with myself!

So it's weight watchers and skipping for me - I have not skipped in years and tbh I could do myself an injury as I am still breastfeeding and very "full" around the top half lol
Feeling good thanks hun, just a little fed up....trying to enjoy some chill time tho :) found my first stretch mark this morning too :( gutted lol!

Cant wait to meet bubba now!! :)

Weightwatchers rules, i can't wait to get back on it xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I did weightwatchers back in 2008 and lost quite a bit but stopped after I misscarried, I wanted to go back last year after having LO but tbh I can't afford the meetings/weigh ins lol
I've kept my old books so might just go back and carry on using it the old way.

I did the same as BevG and a few others, if there was something I wanted I would have it but just make sure I kept within my points or if I ever went slightly over (which I think was rare) I would an extra activity to burn it off.

I'm the same as you hun, I don't have much willpower atm either, especially now being a mummy and doing full time-long hours at work. OH works when Im off so never really have time to catch up on things. I'm only on the pc now cause im on my dinner break at work lol

I bought zumba for the wii so hopefully will start making that as part of my routine xx
Smith make the most of your time hun x

Lovisa - I know what you mean I joined on tuesday and it's going to cost
Well I got weighed tonight!

For my first week I lost 7.5lb!

Over the moon! Lol xx
I LOVE WW but then again I am bias as up until about 8 weeks ago I was a WW Leader with 4 of my own meetings!!

It is great, but I do honestly recommend you go to meetings as the support from your leader and other members will be the best thing you could ever wish for :) xx
Wow Jaxx! You must have been busy!

I was weighed again yesterday and had lost 3lb! That's 10.5lb in 2weeks!

I have found more things to snack on now....which is never a good thing!
Well done Miss, thats fantastic for 2 weeks!!

I'm going back to WW on tuesday, will be my first time since they started the new plan. Its sounds amazing! I've lost 2st with them on the old plan so interested to see what i can lose this time. Ideally i'd like to lose 3 & 1/2st maybe more (omg, thats scary!)

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