Anyone bought anything yet? or when are you buying?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Since my scan on Wednesday iv bought a few things :oops:

just little things, like mits, bibs etc

has anyone else bought anything?
Don't be embarassed!! :hug:

I bought nearly EVERYTHING by 13 weeks... When I decided to start buying things at about 10 weeks, I KNEW that there was a chance I would be tearfully packing it away again one day if something went wrong. After 12 weeks, the chances of mc drop lots and there's a lot more hope so I really don't think it's a problem IMO.

Like I said in another thread, just because you've bought a bib, doesn't mean you have any more chance of something going wrong than the next person who has bought nothing!

I've bought (by 13 weeks):
- Pram (with car seat)
- Bouncer
- Bathing seat
- Sterilizer
- Cot
- Baby towell
- Sleeping bag
(I'm sure there is loads more!!)

My mum went shopping the other day and just randomly bought home lots of little things like mild baby body wash, sudocrem and other little bits like that!

Positive thinking :D xxx
im going to wait until 20 week scan, but thats mainly becoz we've got sooo much boys stuff already, that if its another boy we're pretty much set lol.
Claire&Jack said:
im going to wait until 20 week scan, but thats mainly becoz we've got sooo much boys stuff already, that if its another boy we're pretty much set lol.

You're son is gorgeous!! Aww he is so cute! Be careful, he'll have ALL the girls after him :D xx
dannii87 said:
Claire&Jack said:
im going to wait until 20 week scan, but thats mainly becoz we've got sooo much boys stuff already, that if its another boy we're pretty much set lol.

You're son is gorgeous!! Aww he is so cute! Be careful, he'll have ALL the girls after him :D xx

thankyou, i think so too, but im obviously a little bias ;)
oh totally agree, iv a firm believer that if something is going to go wrong then it will no matter if i have bought something or not, i just thought some people might think im crazy buying already :lol:

wow you had loads by 13 weeks, think il start buying more now :lol:

thanks hun :hug:
I bought my pram/pushchair at 12 weeks, it was too much of a bargain. My OH wont even let me look at the cute little baby stuff yet, I reckon I'll be a little while til I buy more. I have no spare pennies at the moment anyway.
I am going to wait until my 12 weeks scan to buy anything.....i am also not telling everyone until that point either...i have told a couple of close friends and obviously mine and OH's family but thats it!!!
Allour family and friends know and the only people that don't are the masses at work.

We've not bought anything big yet but both of our parents have alreay bought us some sleep suits, vests, mits, bibs, baby wash, baby wipes, talc, little bootie things and some other stuff that I can't remember.

We did make our first purchase this weekend..... :oops: we went into our local Mamma's and pappa's and it's a factory shop so they had some thick winter all in one sleep suit things but it's a coat if you know what I mean.... It should have been £24.00 but it was reduced to £6 so I couldn't resist. seeing as the baby won't be bor until the end of October it should need a thick warm coat by then.
not bought anything yet! but with a 9 month old i dont really need anything new just yet.

now if i have a girl, i will have LOADS to buy!
hi, i have bought lots already, even before my scan. its so exciting and its hard to resist buying things when you walk past mothercare lol and i know what danni means about thinking you might have to pack it all away but i think everyone gets those niggling feelings. the day after i found out i was pregnant i went out and bought stuff! all unisex of course as i don't know what we are having. anyway have fun baby shopping and go over the top if you want to, its such an exciting time. enjoy your pregnancy and wishing you lots of happyness

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