Anyone believe in ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I swear I saw someone standing at the end of my bed this morning! :shock:

I know my eyes weren't playing tricks on me either :eh:

OH thinks I'm nuts, I've never seen a ghost before.
When I was younger I was laying on my bed next to the wall when I felt someone sit down on the edge of the bed. There wasn't anyone there. :oooo:
I totally believe in ghosts & my parents old house used to be haunted

Always saw someone at the top of the stairs & other relatives would be sleeping but feel someones hand stroking their cheek

Freaky stuff!!

Yes and no, i believe in them to some extent, but i dont believe in the "demonic" side of things where you hear about ghosts terrorising people and stuff .. Paranormal Activity esque!!
I def believe, had experience of spirit before, when I moved into my new house I sensed someone in one of the bedrooms and used to smell pipe tobacco in my hall (we are both non-smokers) then it disappeared. I eventually went into the bedroom and kindly said to whoever was there if they could kindly leave the house and havent noticed anything since. I also cleansed my house with sage stick to clear any negative vibes and seems to have worked. Not sure if you are ok with doing this but worth a try :). I dont believe he meant any harm though so hopefully he has moved on now :)

Eileen xxx
Yeah I believe in them 100% and ive seen one very clearly in an old pub! I believe I can sense if there are some around. I notice a presence in certain places, especially older buildings. Call me crazy, just one of those things :) x
Yeah. I saw one in my granny and grandads house when I was 8 years old. Apparently all the women in the family have seen it too, it's an old man but he never appears to the men. It's a really old house right across from a church and graveyard. My mum and my uncle won't stay overnight in the house cos it freaks them out.

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Yes definately, my mums had a lot of experiences with them and used to own a pub which was hauntd, alot of people saw the ghost. My most recent experience was at new years me and my son were staying at a friends house, we stayed in her sons room and he slept with her. In the night the cd player was randomly turned on, I turned it off but I could 'feel something around'.. Later my son woke up and asked who was watching him.. he asked who the man in the room was in the morning aswell. I also felt a cold hand on my arm. I told my friend in the morning and she said her son often talks about seeing an old man in his room... Although thankfully only friendly so not a problem. I also felt my cats ghost when I was younger.
Yes at my mums I saw a figure at the top of the stairs and a week later my mum had a medium over (I hadn't said anything) and she told her an older man Tom hung out in my bothers bedroom and on top of the stairs and I swear I seen my grandad once. It really freaks me out I'm getting better with it a medium once told me they r attracted to me coz apparently I have "a gift" - which I would rather not have :rotfl:

In are new house the kids toys go off on there own bella keeps telling me there is a scary man that comes into her room and pinches her fingers (her fingers were pink the other night) and zander told me a scary man was behind me the other day?!?? Kids ey! - but who knows! It's a Victorian house so maybe?! Oh and jars of pasta sause the big heavy ones and tins of tuna have flung themselves out of the cupboard at my head like a good half a metre luckily missed! And a big mixing bowl off the kitchen side (are cupboards and sides are flat) if anything are cupboards are arched slightly back so was well wired! Lol!! I don't know what to put it down to but hard not to think of spirits it's more and more by the day - have to see where this goes swear I seen something in the mirror the other day but when I turned round the door no one was there?!?!? Lol!! Then again could all be playing in my head lol! I still feel 100% relaxed in my house so that's good :)
Crikey that's full on Evie! Kids always pick up more.

I get all sorts of stuff going on, it runs in the family.... Most of the time I'm 'switched off' though as I need all my energy for normal stuff lol

I would rather be 100% switched off lol! The kids in the night garden mat started going off when I was writing that thread earlier lol made me laugh if loud lol!! 1 tomlee boo 2 tomlee boo 5 5 6 tomlee boo! Lol like a kid was running on it lol! I'm sure it's a short from when zander spilt drink on it weeks back but it only does it now and then made me laugh lol
The house my husband works in if he knocks in the kitchen and sits in the lounge the same amount of knocks will come back. Lol
i have seen loads of things before, years ago. but i have lived in my flat now for 3 years, its a very old building and i have never been scared or seen anything here- UNTIL i had Noa. When im up changing him during the night i feel ssomeone is watching me and i have seen someone standing by his cot 3 times in the night.

Im normally not scared in these situations but i am now. dont know why.
i have seen loads of things before, years ago. but i have lived in my flat now for 3 years, its a very old building and i have never been scared or seen anything here- UNTIL i had Noa. When im up changing him during the night i feel ssomeone is watching me and i have seen someone standing by his cot 3 times in the night.

Im normally not scared in these situations but i am now. dont know why.

They reckon either a death or a birth can bring spirits forward. We some times smell fags in the house danny says it's his nan x
I believe in ghosts. I saw one when I was 5yrs old in my parents old house. I slept in my mum and dads bed one night and woke up to an old man sitting on the chair next
to the bed. I dived under the covers and was dripping with sweat! I remember waking up
in the morning and used my mums perfume to spray the chair hoping he'd go away! I don't remember anything else. When we moved back to the area 9 years later we were told the people that moved in after us had experienced a ghost and had someone remove it?..apparently his name was Alfred. Weird and it doesn't sound real but I honestly did see it!
When I was younger I was laying on my bed next to the wall when I felt someone sit down on the edge of the bed. There wasn't anyone there. :oooo:

when i lived wit an friend in a flat 3 floors up, on the contrysidee old house, we used to hear 3 steps in the stairs outside the door. but one night just like u, i felt someone sit down on the edge of my bed, it was like the weight of a small dog. next morning the freezer door stood wide open n food was out on the middle of the floor...
i have seen loads of things before, years ago. but i have lived in my flat now for 3 years, its a very old building and i have never been scared or seen anything here- UNTIL i had Noa. When im up changing him during the night i feel ssomeone is watching me and i have seen someone standing by his cot 3 times in the night.

Im normally not scared in these situations but i am now. dont know why.

They reckon either a death or a birth can bring spirits forward. We some times smell fags in the house danny says it's his nan x

oh dear.. its scary, once i saw a shade goin across the seeling n i know nnoa n the cat saw it aswell
i have seen loads of things before, years ago. but i have lived in my flat now for 3 years, its a very old building and i have never been scared or seen anything here- UNTIL i had Noa. When im up changing him during the night i feel ssomeone is watching me and i have seen someone standing by his cot 3 times in the night.

Im normally not scared in these situations but i am now. dont know why.

They reckon either a death or a birth can bring spirits forward. We some times smell fags in the house danny says it's his nan x

oh dear.. its scary, once i saw a shade goin across the seeling n i know nnoa n the cat saw it aswell

If it meant you any harm tho you would know by now when DH as I don't talk to each other or were really happy or one f us is having a down day (so strong emotions) that's when I have had the jars come at my head DH didn't believe me till e seen it he was like WTF???!?!?! But other than the jars I've been ok :) and none of them have hit me yet thankfully - lol the other day I was really really in a mood (for no reason just one of them days) I had three jars and a tin come at me when I opened the cupboard lol! That was the same day Danny seen it lol! I'm always wary about opening it now lol!!! Xx
Some strange stories there :shock:

I havent seen anything else since. Will keep my eyes peeled though. :eh:
When I was 6 shortly after my grandad died -he came and sat on my Bed when I was staying with my nan sounds weird and my brothers don't believe me but I know it happened cos I wouldn't still remember a dream from when I was 6!!!

Also my inlaws own a pub that's in the top 100 haunted pubs book - when me and oh lived there for a while,our bedroom was on the third floor and you had to go down two flights of stairs to the toilet and at night when walking back up we both felt as though someone was watching or following us it didn't feel good at all it was really creepy like a bad feeling
This might show you what I believe...its a link to a documentary that i did when i was 13 with my family which was shown on ITV and sky subsquently.Our story starts at 1.44 in on the first link, and carries on for a few minutes on the second link:

(I didnt post the video, someone else did....and yep, there are actors 'reanacting' events. It doesnt cover everything that happened at the house and it does exaggerate some other events.)
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I always say, once they know you can see/feel/hear them, they make more effort and tbh I've had a lot more 'moments' since this thread got going....

At my new job I've thought I've seen someone walking past so many times when no one's there and then the front door buzzer kept going off even though me and another girl both checked outside and no one was there....

But then again, my new job is very close to the main ley-line through London, there are loads of buildings with links to the Knights Templar and all that nearby....

To each their own :)


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