Anybody help?!


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Jul 12, 2015
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I lost a baby 7 weeks ago and have now became pregnant again, which we are so happy about, I know I can not be anywhere over 5 weeks, I had a scan last week which showed just a sac, no fetal pole and no yolk sac, I have 3 sets of bloods which have doubled every 48 hours as expected.

Has anyone been through this? I have not been offered a repeat scan and told to wait until 12 weeks.

I am worried sick and don't know what to think just feel like I'm in limbo at the moment.

Not seeing a fetal pole or yolk sac is pretty normal that early on in pregnancy. You've had a scan which shows baby in the right place and at the right developmental stage, you've had 3 sets of bloods which are doing exactly what they should be doing... Everything at this point is fine and normal.

Try not to worry. Stay positive. Positive thinking is the best thing you can do following a loss.
Sounds exactly right for 5 weeks, and good news that your hsg levels are doubling. Seems like all is progressing fine but completely understand you are anxious.
If you can, maybe consider getting a private scan at around 8 weeks to check all is ok. That may help you relax a little until your 12 week scan.
Ive had multiple miscarriages and 8 weeks pregnant again now. I had an 8 week scan a couple of days ago which was great and really put my mind at ease.
Hi ClairMarie. Very similar situation - I had a first trimester miscarriage then 7 weeks later found out I was pregnant again. I was a mess of anxiety and we paid privately to ensure my hCG/progesterone levels were increasing as they should. I then had a scan at 8 weeks and saw a strong little heartbeat. Our little boy is now due in 6 weeks :)
It is such a hard time - having a loss strips you if all the excitement and naivety that should accompany finding out you're pregnant. Just take each day as it comes, stay strong.
Wishing you all the best xxx
Just keep calm and wait for the 12th week. You should remember that baby feels everything as you do!
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Hi, I had a scan last week at 4+5/6 and it only showed a sac, you should be fine, but I would press for another scan. They are scanning me again this week fo viability due to a week of spotting. Hope all is okxx
After various complaints and them telling
Me to terminate, I've been given another scan on Monday so I have absolutely everything crossed. Xx

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