Anybody currently on the 2ww? Come and stress with me..


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Argh! 8 Days until testing..can't wait that long. Having a good 2 weeks so far, funny twinges in my lower abdomen, sore bbs and nipples, using the loo loads, 'Fullness' in my lower abdomen, and heartburn. Fingers crossed, but it's so early! Because I was on Depo I usually have a week of daytime bleeding around about now, a few days break then AF..but nothing so far!
My 2ww has just finished and I feel so sorry for you! It's a horrible time isn't it.

I hope it passes quickly and you get a BFP at the end of it!
Hiya! I'm on the 2ww too! I'm so impatient! It's the first chance of being pg since my m/c in April. But just around/after ov, me and my DH both came down with a tummy bug, so weren't up for BD! Did get a couple in b4 we were sick! But don't suppose my body was really up for geting pg when it was feeling so rough :(

Trying to stay positive but not holding out much hope...
me too, i'm gonna test sunday if AF doesnt show.
Sorry you got AF, MM. How long have you been trying?
You never know, Miffy, sometimes it happens when you least expect it. When is AF due? I know it's hard to stay positive, but you have to have a bit of faith or it will never happen. I don't know when I'll test, Fertilityfriend said I ovulated a week ago, but I have a feeling it was earlier cause off all the symptoms I'm having. I have a feeling AF won't show. Whens AF due for you, Kellysomer?
Saturday and i cant wait i am feeling very optomistic this month!!! Will post as soon as i know!
I'm afraid I can't tell from the pics, sorry hun.

A word of caution, some people have had very faint positives in the 2ww that have disappeared by the time AF was due. I wouldn't like you to get too excited just in case.

Everyone always tells me to wait a couple days then test again, but I know its very hard. I got through about 7 tests during the 2ww before I was even due! :oops:

I really hope it is a BFP :hug:
Sorry can't tell from the pics - fingers crossed its a BFP.

AF due for me next Thurs/Fri, so still another week to wait :wall:

No symptoms yet :( but still early I suppose...

Good luck everyone :pray:

Let's hope its BFPs all round!
Hi poppy

I'm testing in 8 days..
By bbs are not sore but have had awful heartburn everyday for the last 4 days and am starving all the time.

Ooh its so mind numbing.

would love to test at the same time as someone else.

Hi, sorry I am a bit dumb when it comes to this fertility malarchy!!

I think I ovulated around the 10 June - had sex around that weekend.

AF is due on Sunday - when can I test???

Thanks x

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