Any tips from mummy's with crawlers?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Will is not far off crawling now, we are on all fours rocking back and forward with some movement back and forward.

Is there anything you bought when your LO started crawling that you could not be without?

we will be baby proofing everything soon as he is already opening the coffee table draws and grabbing wires lol!

What do you do when you need the toilet etc?? i'm feeling quite nervous about it all :eh:

Ooh good thread! No advice but will keep an eye on this thread because I'd like to know too!!
I take the child upstairs and pop her in her cot while I have a wee!
Angels crawling now :) when I go to the loo or somewhere I put her in the jumperoo. We don't have a coffee table but we've got a fireplace and she keeps going after the xbox and the sky box and all the cables. I did buy her a toy when you hit or push it it moves around and encourages them to follow but to be honest I just went to the other end of the room and coaxed her over with toys she really likes x
We have a hallway with doors that shut so I was thinking about leaving the bathroom door shut and just letting him play in the hall where I can see him?

I put Stankey in his jumparoo when I need a wee!! He's already had my virgin tv box and numerous shoes! I'm now not to far behind him anyway as he's making me too nervous :( he pulls himself up to stand at the sofa then just bloody keys go and falls over! Not good for my nerves!! Good luck :) xx
Why do they go for the wires and xbox lol, he's already doing it by shuffling over there! X
I've always left Jack playing while I go to the loo. Mind you because of my job my house is very baby proofed and apart from the Sky box buttons (he drives me insane pressing them!) there's nothing else he can get to or hurt himself on x
Eee! Clever boy! X

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I am putting the travel cot up in the living room today as a 'playpen' and will pop him in there with toys when I need to nip out to the loo or something! I was gonna put him in the jumperoo type thing we have but sometimes he is bouncing about so hard and rocking it that Im worried it will tip over! He isnt over the weight limit yet but I dont think I fully trust it anymore!.......Only other thing that we have got that I think is essential is stair gates! xx
We've just had our stairgates delivered today OH is gonna put them up when he comes home :) Pinky I let Angel wander the corridor too I just keep the doors closed and stay with her till the gates are up as she's trying to get up the stairs. I know this sounds really obvious pos but if you've got a downstairs loo or something remove the bin and any cleaning stuff you have on the floor. I was so busy thinking of all the obvious things like stairgates and playpens I totally forgot all that, and I usually keep bleach behind the loo and a small bin but I've put it on a shelf now lol x
Just bought two stair gates so that when I shower in the morning I can just leave him to roam upstairs. I also have a very good 6 year old that I leave him with sometimes!! LOL.
Oh the joy of living in a flat Lauren the corridor has no stairs!

Question how do babies learn how to climb up and down stairs if you have none?

Wow, clever Will to be nearly crawling. I'm terrified of this. My husband refuses to believe me that J will be crawling soon and wont let me start baby proofing, how on earth am I going to keep him away from pulling the tv down on top of him, from attacking the ps2, xbox, dvd player and virgin box? And out of the fire place! Oh my stars, its going to be a nightmare!

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