Any suggestions for engery boosting?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Has anyone got any suggestions for engery boosting?

I'm so breathless and worn out. I'm glad I'm on maternity leave now but even getting dress is taking ages and I'm all puffed out! I went to the loo last night climbed into bed and sounded like Darth Vada!

I think it could just be your growing bump is giving your lungs less space. Until your bump drops, it will probably persist :( :hug:
Thanks, so hopefully only another 2 weeks!

Does it just happen like you go to bed puffing and wake up feeling less breathless?

my bumps already dropped, so i'm not AS breathless, but i get out of breath so easy now anyways, walking upstairs is a task :wall:

are you feeling tired a lot hun? it could be that you may need to up your iron intake? xxx
i feel like this already and im not even as far gone as you so you must feel bad, hpe things get better for you soon hun xx
Like Fuffins said sounds like bubs is squishing your lungs. I find that Aimee does that when I am lying down so I need to roll over. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.
As for boosting energy there isn't much us preggies can do! I have the odd glass of Lucozade in a desperate attempt to salvage some energy but it rarely does the trick!
Mine has eased off a little bit now. Was worse when I was 20 odd weeks. I think now because they said the babies head is really low, plus I have a longer than average torso (I am 6ft2.5) it has eased off.

I think like Joann. There is not much that can be done for energy levels. But like Sarah said, it could be iron levels.
i feel like this too, i was searching around frantically for my inhalor, i couldnt find it! :wall:

i dont want it to get worse. it freaks me out when im sitting quietly and i feel like ive been running. :?
fuffins1981 said:
plus I have a longer than average torso (I am 6ft2.5).

I'm only 4ft 11ins its not fair! :hug:

Aawww....Not to sound patronising, but you are so tiny!
No wonder everything is hetting squish squashed :hug:

I would love to be smaller tbh :)
I'm wondering to be honest if they will let me go full term cos I'm so small but no one has said otherwise. I may ask my MW tomorrow what she thinks.

Hey Fuffins we should met up and have our photo taken side by side that would be funny due to the height difference :rotfl: :rotfl:

:hug: :hug:

I guess it depends how big they think the baby is. Because being so small would usually mean you have a tiny frame too....including pelvis. Though height and elvis do not always correlate.

A pic with us would be hilarious :lol:

My sons dads OH is the same height as you. I think I must have put him off tall chicks :rotfl:
I'm only 5 foot 1, my ex was 6 foot 6! The photos of us together were rather amusing!

Moofa - i get the breathless thing too - i have a short torso even for my height (i don't need petite leg lengths) i have a short body! Lol. It does get a bit easier when bubs drops. My recommendation is to take it easy and not to panic when you feel all tight-chested as that makes it worse.

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