Any opinions on having a baby in cerntral London +No support


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Hi all

Hubby and I are still uncertain about where we will have our baby - think about moving home to Oz to be with friends and family and get support.

But really torn as we love London and kind of want to stay + works out well for us to stay with our jobs and house. BUT none of our friends have babies here or are in that frame of mind (whereas at home all of our friends are).

So I am concerned I wil feel isolated and will be doing it on my own (hubby works long hours), and worry about being by myself with baby all day every day. I may be naive, but I want some activities and things to do with the baby... I know I'll meet others in prenatal classes.

I have heard there are lots of council run things in Westmister like baby and Mum boot camp in hyde park.... one friend of a friend said she could go to things everyday as there is so much around.

So, any advice/ info/ weblinks would be appreciated.....
Hiya, I cant offer much advice because I live in Northern Ireland but I am not from here and also had no baby minded friends here - but there are loads of groups and everyone is very friendly, I went to baby yoga and swimming and a now go to baby and toddler groups - you will make friends!
check out i think westminster is on there so you should be able to find groups and mums :hug:
I'm not from where I currently live either - and I don't have any friends locally with babies or have friends that are even interested in babies. I live in a small village, so while the opposite of London, I think the situation I'm in is very similar in that I worry about the isolation as I have no family (or in laws) around here and OH will be back at work most days.

I have a friend in London who had similar concerns when she was pregnant last year - and she says the most important thing for her was signing up to NCT classes as opposed to NHS ones. She now has 5 or 6 really good friends through the NCT classes that she sees regularly; meets for coffee at baby-friendly cafes, goes to the park, swimming etc.

Also, I've heard netmums is very good for information on local groups/meets etc, as handbagqueen says.
Hi Clucky,

London is a fabulous place to have a baby and be with friends. I live just outside of London and can't thank the NCT enough for the support I have found through them and the fabulous friends I have made along the way. They have regular Bumps and Babies meet ups and coffee mornings for when you have had the little one. If you have some free time they'll also welcome a helping hand in delivering the local NCT mag quarterly which is often a job that is done by your area orgnaniser. Visit and get details of your local branch and next antenatal course. Get on the course soon though as the spaces go really quick - I was 14 weeks pregnant last time when I regsitered and paid for the course.

None of my family are nearby (all up north) and if it wasn't for the 8 friends I made at the NCT I really wouldn't have the fantastic network around me that I have now.

Good luck Xxx
Thanks guys- that is great advice and really encouraging!


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