• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Any one know whst this means?

Fingers crossed

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Jun 22, 2006
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Don't know why but I just decided to do an OPK. And it's about half as dark as the control line, alot darker than it is before Ov. Are they normally like that about a week after (possible) Ov. Oh I now remember why I done one, cos I had a sharp pain in my left ovary.
Hi there

Do you think you may have O'd as i know a lot of people use opk's as 'early' hpt's on other boards i used to use, apparantly they can be used as hpt and opk but not vice versa KWIM . .. fingers x'd for you that you're on your way to your BFP :D
Fertility friend hasn't detected ovulation, but I'm not sure how or if clomid affects temps, but I was in bad ov pain last sunday monday and tuesday (CD13-15). It's not quite a positive OPK , but it's as dark as I've ever had :? .
Did you do an opk when you thought you'd O?? have a look at FF charts and do a search for ones on chlomid, some are erractic, also i've just done a google on chlomid and bbt but not a lot came up but there was mention about pain caused from chlomid, go get hubby and do what you gotta do girl just in case :wink:

I know it sounds freakily optimistic but from looking at your chart and from your opk's I'd guess that you have either ovulated twice or your body attempted to ovulate, failed and then ovulated a few days later. Good luck and get BD'ng xxxxxxxx
Becs said:
I know it sounds freakily optimistic but from looking at your chart and from your opk's I'd guess that you have either ovulated twice or your body attempted to ovulate, failed and then ovulated a few days later. Good luck and get BD'ng xxxxxxxx
Thats what I thought it might be, my temp went up this morning so who knows. The most annoying thing we only BD once this week (I thought I'd let him off as he was looking rather tired :lol: ), so if have only just ov'ed I don't stand much chance this month either :(
Don't give up hope yet hun, your BD timing looks good to me, don't forget how long those little things can live for and you only have one 3 day break in your chart, i think you're in with a mighty big chance, and remember...it only takes the one time :wink:

Have you done any other opk's to see if its changed or will you wait, if its lighter it might give you more of an insight to when you actually O'd.

will be watching this space to see what happens so don't forget to keep us informed

(((babydust))) to you

Thanks moomoo. It wasn't til I looked at my chart again that I realised we only had a couple of days break. I got one OPK left so I'll do it this afternoon.
Yeah, I agree, you got loads of bd'ing in and had tons of fertile fluid. Good luck hon and lot's of baby dust xx
I'm gonna guess that you O'd on 17th and you'll get a coverline in the next day ot two. r u going to put the opk on our chart too and see if that makes a diff? i know i used to play around with my charts, add a few days higher temps in and see what came up as a cover line, god i was desperate lol
I wasn't sure whether to put OPK in as it wasn't quite as dark as the control line, I got 2 days of the same strength OPK on day 14 and 15
Just done another OPK and it's a little lighter than yesterdays, but still darker than pre-ov. Have to wait and see what tomorrows temp says.
So with opk's does the test line have to be darker than the control line to be a +?? (i only used them once or twice)

If you were to test every day from end of af would it start like nothing, then get a faint line that gradually gets darker and the darkest would be O day then become lighter again after O?? If so i reckon you should take the + out for day 18 cause if this was after you actually O'd FF wont give you a coverline yet. KWIM? still keep a note on your chart notes though.

What was your CM on day 15? was this drying up then??

It's such a mind wrencher this ttc lark isn't it, you are so close to 2 dates there for O, have you added a day or 2's higher temps in and see what FF does? also try changing the type of monitoring its set as, i can't remember what its called cause i haven't really used it in ages.

at least withthe opk getting lighter you know you more than likely O'd which is great and it definately looks like it frm the way your chart is going, if you have many left do another in a couple of days then you'll be able to use them again towards the end to see if you statrt getting another line before you use a hpt

best of luck (((bundles of babydust)) for you
To be a + it has to be as dark as or darker than the control line. I'm not sure how they go, but The ones I done up to CD14 were very faint, I stopped doing them after CD 15 (I think) so I don't know what they were for the few days between then and yesterday. As for my CM, I just didn't bother checking. I used my last OPK tonight.

The only thing that is concerning me at the moment is that I gotta have a progesterone test on Monday (CD21) to check if the clomid has worked this month, but I think if I didn't Ov til CD17 then my progesterone levels won't be that high (they were 46 before, stupid receptionist told me 43 though :? ) and if AF don't show on CD28 I gotta have another blood test done to see what's happening, but as I ov'ed late AF will be late too so I'd have to have that CD 28 progesterone test too. But I think I may test next sunday, I've been having tingly nipples this evening. Why is it so blooming difficult :?

Just added various temps in for tomorrow and if I get a 36.5 or over then it gives me the dotted lines for Thursday :cheer: . My coverline was about 36.55.
Does your doc know you're charting? if you tell him you think you O'd late he might re-test you again a few days as well. Even though you would have only O'd by a few days this should still show up on the test shouldn't it cause the pregesterone has to rise to give you a temp rise??

i really hope it all works out for you, i'm just hanging around at the mo too not knowing if im pregnant or not, i keep getting faint pos lines but they aint getting any darker :roll: i just feel like i'm dangling till my docs appointment tues before i know anything for sure.

Would be great if your tingly nipples are a sign, we could be duedate buddies :wink:
Well todays temp was 36.9 :shock: it's soooo high. I got my lines now :cheer: . Lets hope it's just a bit too early to tell for sure for you and :pray: you get your BFP very soon. I think I might email my gynie nurse to let her know about the charting.
Hi ya

WOW! your temps are looking good girl :D ,

Can i change my mind on what i said the other day about your O date? ...i've been searching charts etc looking for hope for you and what i'm thinking now is....you O'd on cd 14 and had a fallback rise, i copied this from something i found...if you OV'd on Monday - your temperature would be higher on Tues, Weds and Thurs and that would confirm that you OV'd. However, just to confuse things you can have what's called a fall back rise - this is where your temp goes up, then the next day it drops back again, then the following days it goes up again... i've had a nagging feeling about your chart and O on that sday from the start.

What are your cycle lengths? ( i saw your 1st was very long omg :shock: ) I know the chlomid is supposed to make you Ovulate so will it make you regular too like a 28 (ish) day cycle??

OOOhhhh its getting exciting isn't it i so hope this is the month for you..

I did my other hpt this morning and there was a definate line too so hopefully my good fortune is rubbing off on you

Oh i forgot to say, search charts on FF, look for pregnancy with 'using opk' and 'fallback rise' :wink:

Good luck for your progesterone test tomorrow, will you have to wait for the results or get them straight away?
Thanks moomoo. I didn't realise about a fall back temp thing :think: maybe I did ovulate on that day, I thought I did as I was in quite alot of pain. I think we done enough BD to cover all the possibilities. Last month my cycle was 28 days due to the clomid, the first cycle was when I came off the pill and AF didn't come for 9 months, hence the reason why I'm on clomid. Congrats on you HPT, I hope your good luck rubs off on me :hug: . I'll have a look on FF later at other charts. As for the progesterone test I usually get the results back on Thursday afternoon.
Thanks again moomoo for your help and support, just when I think I know everything to do with TTC I learn more :hug:
hiya, hows things going? any news, funny symptoms etc??


did you get any good info off the site??

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