Any one had this


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Had 34 wk apt today and scan, thankfully placenta had moved but baby is breech, and thought to be quite long (dont know if this matters)

I know there is loads of time for baby to move, but they did talk me through the options of trying to turn it manually themselves.

Has anyone had any experience of this, as have also heard baby can just flip back over anyhow. If baby were still breech at 36 37 weeks, can I refuse to have this external thing and just hope baby turns, knowing if not I'll have to have a c section, as I think I'd rather this option.....

Any advice is appreciated thank u
As far ad I know its completely up to you to try and turn baby or not. Baby can turn right at last hurdle.... Ask ur mw....
Hey Hun, pretty sure they can turn still , did they give u a deadline? I think I'd elect to gave a c section also, turning the baby sounds tudorish to me lol

I had a similar convo with my friend! As I am breech now, I know they have tome to turn, but my gut feeling tells me she's not going to budge! Stubborn like her moma xx

Keep us posted hunny xx
The way it was explained by my mw was what I can do to try to turn baby and then what the hospital will do.

She said at my nxt apt 36/37 weeks if she thinks it's still breech then I'll have to go scan again and that's when they may try this external thing. I just don't want this as baby can still turn back, so I dint see the point... I'd rather hold out n hope bump moves alone.... Which I know can happen at any time.

I've just a feeling bumps settled as it's been lay this way I'd say for the last 5/6 like I say I wondered if I could refuse there options. The way they suggest stuff I never think is optional when I suppose it must be, it's my baby.

Sadly though that wd result in c section but I can't think that far ahead at the moment.... I'll be on all fours a lot over the nxt few weeks....... Great!!!

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