any one else feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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for the last few days ive just been thinking about our whole TTC situation, and i just have this overwhelming feeling that i wont ever get pregnant again. Its as if i think that we're just not lucky or good enough to have another child after being blessed with our daughter. i feel as if sometimes we are being selfish by hoping for another healthy child, because we already have a perfect child already. We are also hoping that we can have a little boy but it also seems as if we wouldnt be that lucky for it to happen to us.
does that sound crazy? does anyone else have these feelings? :D
Awww, little*Red :hug:

Of course you are not selfish for wanting another child, i'm sure your time will come to get pg when it's right.

As for me, i just can't imagine myself as a mum or with a big pregnant belly - although saying that i couldn't imgaine myself getting married which i have.

I've been feeling like this since I came off the pill in January. Not that we're selfish for having another one but just that we will have somehow lost our fertility :roll:

You are definately not slfish hunnie

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Don't be daft...everyone has the right to have as many children as they want or can have :hug:
I haven't any yet and TTC does get me down, but i'd never begrudge anyone else being go girl xxx :wink:
I know what you mean little red. I've thought similar things. OH had chemotherapy for leukemia as a child and was always told it could possibly affect his fertility. We're worried that we were just incredibly lucky to have James and wouldn't be so lucky again.
I also sometimes feel bad when I see people who dont have any children getting upset about ttc. I feel like I'm being greedy wanting another one. I know deep down I'm being silly but I can't help thinking it sometimes. :hug:
Oh no LittleRed (and mm)! That's certainly no sin in my book!
Big families are the best! I hope to have one myself one day. And you don't get big families w/o TTC more than once. You're not selfish at all!
I know you'd be equally thrilled if/when someone else gets a BFP (no matter if they already have children or not) it's all fair!
aww hun :hug: dont be silly, you deserve to have another perfect baby. :hug: It'll happen soon :hug:
I don't feel that I don't deserve it, but do get that doom-laden feeling that for some reason it's not to be :roll: But I hope we just get that from nerves/ wanting it so much that the mind tries to protect itself by preparing itself for a bad outcome.

If we try to keep optimistic, it supposedly increases our chances- hard to do sometimes though, I know.
:hug: hugs little red, and dont panic you were blessed enough with a gorgeous daughter and im sure you will have a perfect little boy to xomplete your family soon enough.
You know it dont happen overnight, look at all the other ladies on here trying for yonks or still trying. :hug:

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