Any night shift workers out there?

This last 30 minutes of nightshift is the longest ever. I need my bed!
I'm doing four this week rather than three and the extra is killing me!

It could also be the fact that I've had a poorly 8 year old at home this week so I've only really lightly sofa slept since Sunday.

I think that I shall soon turn into a zombie!!

Lol so there's this male nurse u work with sometimes and we were about to slide someone up a bed and he goes "oh you shouldn't do this" then hit panicked and goes -I mean he's fine he goes t need to move up any
So I said "you know don't you?"

He said yeah I know! I called him a gossip and hem laughed but now he just looked at me and went "hey! Pregnant lady! Put your feet up for ten minutes!" Lol he says he's going to order me on breaks too (I isually don't take them)

Looks like he will take care of me
Ah, that's good to hear. You see us nurses can be nice sometimes :D
Oh most nurses are nice :)

My mummy is a nurse so I have a lot of respect... Also the way she catches projectile vomit is AMAZING! lol
Oh most nurses are nice :)

My mummy is a nurse so I have a lot of respect... Also the way she catches projectile vomit is AMAZING! lol

Catching body fluids and fast reflexes are a necessity :)

Hope your night went well. That's me done for the week and next week they've got me on days. I haven't done a day shift since the start of July :shock:
Im in mindayfor ine night, then Sunday for ine night.its going to mess me up.

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