Any night shift workers out there?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
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Hi all!

Just wondering if any of you work night shifts?

I'm a nurse working on a busy surgical ward and due to childcare needs I work mainly nights.

I've found the last few weeks so physically draining due to the extra tiredness and nausea and was wondering if anyone had found any extra coping mechanisms?

Thanks x
I work till midnight then up at 8/9 with a two year old and 8 weeks pregnant.. its hard work
I work nights in a nursing home 8pm-8am because of childcare.

I have to be up at 3pm
So hubby can go to work so I do find it a little tiring, but in sure it will get worse in time. Last time I was able to shorten my shifts but it's not possible on nights. Just make sure you take your breaks (I never do) and sit down when you can
It's hard isn't it ladies when you have childcare to juggle.

I'm the same, bed around 9 and then up by 3 for school collection.

Back on nights tonight after my few days off where I've been napping constantly!
I'm bsck on tomorrow then I'm off Thursday (but have a commitment 7pm-9pm) then back in sat/sun
I do nightshift. Im absolutely shattered all the time and im lucky if i sleep 3-4 hoursa day.

Ill need to get that sorted for the time the wee one arrives. Dont know whether i would look to change my shift or not though. Depends how my good lady feels to be honest.
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On nightshift tonight. It's 5am and I want to die! Luckily not on again until the weekend, but it's hard and the work is quite manual. 25 sick people all bed bound, turning, hoisting, you name it.

I had to tell the nurse I was pregnant so secret is already out
On nightshift tonight. It's 5am and I want to die! Luckily not on again until the weekend, but it's hard and the work is quite manual. 25 sick people all bed bound, turning, hoisting, you name it.

I had to tell the nurse I was pregnant so secret is already out

I know the feeling well. I'm also on nights at the moment. Last night was so busy on the ward and this morning I feel a little broken 😴

It's hard in a busy area isn't it. We have pretty much the same scenario with a mix of heavy bed bound patients but big major post ops too and sadly I usually end up being the one in charge.

On the plus side, I will sleep well today!
I'm on a night tonight - first one I've done since I found out, I'll be 121 care though! I'm hoping they'll move me to a different ward where I'll have more patients - I'm thinking there will be less chance of them realising how knackered I am??
Not long in from my nightshift and my OH seems to have had a night shift of her own. Still feeling sicky and hellish but not being sick. Ah well a cuddle and some of my "pregnancy is easy jokes" and shes away to work with a smile threatening me with violence if i joke about pregnancy again.
I worked nights when pregnant with my little girl and now only work twilight shifts 7pm-1am. Never in bed before 2am and up again between 6-7am ��
I certainly don't remember being this tired before, I think it could all be down to having another wee one in the house to look after now, she is nearly three and can be quite a diva at times ��
Hoping by tri 2 I start to feel more energised! Getting really fed up by my lovely colleges telling me how "crappy" I look!
Luckily my oh is awesome and really helps out when he is at home but I can't help feel he is getting a little frustrated with me, I feel soooo lazy!
Growing a human is hard work
Hope you all feel better soon ladies ����
I'm on a night tonight - first one I've done since I found out, I'll be 121 care though! I'm hoping they'll move me to a different ward where I'll have more patients - I'm thinking there will be less chance of them realising how knackered I am??

Hope you managed to get off 1:1 and your nights went well x
Not long in from my nightshift and my OH seems to have had a night shift of her own. Still feeling sicky and hellish but not being sick. Ah well a cuddle and some of my "pregnancy is easy jokes" and shes away to work with a smile threatening me with violence if i joke about pregnancy again.

Sounds like you're dicing with death there :lol:
I worked nights when pregnant with my little girl and now only work twilight shifts 7pm-1am. Never in bed before 2am and up again between 6-7am ��
I certainly don't remember being this tired before, I think it could all be down to having another wee one in the house to look after now, she is nearly three and can be quite a diva at times ��
Hoping by tri 2 I start to feel more energised! Getting really fed up by my lovely colleges telling me how "crappy" I look!
Luckily my oh is awesome and really helps out when he is at home but I can't help feel he is getting a little frustrated with me, I feel soooo lazy!
Growing a human is hard work
Hope you all feel better soon ladies ����

Those hours sound just as bad as the full nights given that you have to be up so early. I'm finding that I'm a lot more tired this time around but I'm a lot older now!!

I've got one of those good men too. On my days off he lets me sleep and does most things around the house. A proper keeper 🌟
So how are the night shifts going?

I've been off since Friday morning and return tomorrow night for four nights. I'm really not looking forward to this week as I'm doing four nights rather than my standard three and being in a busy acute area I never know what I'm going into.....

On days from next week for three and a half weeks! I've not done so many days for a long time. I'm not sure how I'll cope going out in the daylight ��
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On tonight and it's just me and a nurse for 18 patients. She's not going to help apparently so I'll do my best but I'm
Not pushing myself and another floor will have to lend me a staff member for our heavies.

I'll prob put an extra pad check in during the night to the awake ones to help the morning round
Good luck. Hope you get extra staff and the night goes as well as it can xx
I've been promised a staff member from another floor for 15-20minutes tomorrow and that's it
That's rubbish. You should take that up with your manager

Sleep well
We didn't get another staff member. I only did 5 bed baths (13 pad changes) but I was more or less on my own. I got help to do 6 of them.

The girl I was on with was agency, so not general staff.

I've got an appointment on Thursday to finalise my risk assssment so we'll talk then

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