any first time mums 40 +


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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hi, just found out I am pregnant for the first time ever - aged 40 and 3 months..

anyone else out there in a similar boat that fancies being a buddy ??

Congratulations Fiona!!! Thats fantastic news!! :dance: :clap: :dance:

I'm not in the same situation as you, I'm 36 this Saturday, and already have a teenager, but this pregnancy is making me feel older, and I can't remember anything from the first one!! :shock:

Welcome to the forum.
thanks, I couldn't be happier...

my mumwsa 41 when she had me and had a good and dandy pregnancy.
Lets hope I follow in her footsteps
Hi Fiona!

I was 35 last week - not exactly 40 but they lump us into the same category anyway these days!!!

Have you seen your midwife yet? Mine told me I was at a "vunerable" age...made me feel about 65 not 35!
Hi Fiona, im 20 so im not close to you in age but im still more than happy to be buddies!!
hi Shaz, no not seen the midwife yet, but have an appointment to see the doc on monday...

but my bestfriend in the whole world is a midwife and she says that I am not to worry, she sees heaps of holder mums have healthy and happy pregnancies and births...

my mum had her first hcild at 36 and then me at 41.. she drank and smoked her way through both pregnancies and had happy & healthy babies. I don't think 40 years ago any worried too much about age, now days I think sometimes I have too much information..

mind you I am a step ahead of my mum anyway, never smoked and gave up alcohol as soon as I thought I might be pregnant

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