any finger foods suitable for 7 month old?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Jacob has his bottom two teeth in. He loves holding his own food and munching away on it..problem is he has half choked on soft fruit and rusks on the few occasions we've let him try holding some food, supervised of course.

Is there anything that's more safe to give him which he can hold? Trying to think of foods which 'melt in the mouth' which pose no choking risk...but cant think of any!
We've been giving lil miss these boots own organic rice cakes which go down a treat (you wouldn't think so but they turn into moosh and they can only bite off small chunks for the most part)...oh and very small, thinly sliced bits of cheese. SHe still chokes on everything else... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You can get crisps called Organix and they have sweetcorn, tomato and carrot flavour (the carrot ones are best) and they also just turn to goo.. consistency a bit like wotsits it you know what i mean, very airy.
Otherwise, banana (though in halfs so theres no danger of swallowing the whole thing if you give it him in small chunks), melon?, dairylea triangles, thin cheese...
Dairylea triangles!!! why didnt i think of that!! excellent will get those but I know hubby and I will struggle hard not to eat them ourselves :?

Will investigte the boots organic rice cakes and the organix during this weekends shopping trip! Thanks
The organix finger food are great as Leckershell said, Ellie loves the carrot ones and would eat them all day if you let her lol :) x
the cow and gate bear biscuits go down a treat in our house too lol x
Tried the organix carrot 'giant wotsit lookalike' snacks today on Jacob and he LOVED them ! so thanks! :D Only problem is he screamed when he reached the end of his portion for the day!! :? got the cheese spread and rice cakes for the rest of the week!

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