Any experience of waterbirth after C-section??


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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I've got my consultant appointment tomorrow and was wondering if anyone has any experience of waterbirth as an option for VBAC?

Really wanted a water birth with my first but it wasnt to be, never really considered it as an option this time round as i guessed they would be very keen on having me hooked up to all sorts of machines.... spoke to someone at my breast feeding group the other day who had a waterbirth following 2 previous csecs. She said she had to really fight for it as, although the m/wives were very supportive, the consultants werent! To be honest i'm a bit of a wimp and tend to just do what i'm told so worrying about pushing for a waterbirth at my appointment tomorrow.

Any advice or anything much appriciated!
*** rushes off to get Ina May's guidebook ( :love: ) ***

:wall: I cant find the bit but I distinctly remember reading about water births and how they are actually really helpful for groups of women who are usually excluded and there was a bit about VBAC, didnt commit to memory cos Im having my first. Sorry! I remember it being very positive about it, but thats probably not very helpful when you want to go armed with facts. I'll have another browse and see if I can find it....maybe it was in another book I read...
My consultant is dead against me even labouring in the water, I was very disappointed. When I said that the risk of scar rupture is low (they constantly monitor baby's hearbeat during labour as it can indicate the first sign of scar rupturing) she tiold me she had seen it twice..although I would usually fight my corner and demand what I want, this time Im going to negotiate it - after my emergency section last time I dont want to risk anything. Rosie's distress was detected by the monitoring that I was under, if it were not for that I dont think she would be here now - obviously in the water they cannot monitor you continuously. There is nothing I would love more than to experience a water birth, this will be my last pregnancy and so my hopes are dashed really. Good luck with whatever you decide to push for xx
My NHS leaflet from our hosp on the birthing pool states you cant use it if you've had a c-section before. I cant see why not, but I suppose they're health proffessionals and know best.
Thats the thing though..... They dont know best!!! They want to safeguard themselves from litigation and these 'safeguards' have resulted in a gigantic increase to the C-sec/intervention rates!! TBH think id rather have an elective section than labour hooked up to machines like a bomb about to go off!
Well dont have to decide straight away anyway due to crappy hospital (see new thread!) all in all not having a good day! xxx

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