any else's 6 months + still not rolling?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Anjali still is nowhere near rolling!!! She hates lying down and prefers to sit up - she will sit for up to an hour unassisted amusing herself. She can right herself even if she starts to fall so she must have good core strength 8) But when i put her on her front or back she just kicks her legs! Ive practised rolling her over and back but she's not interested. I havent been worried but now im wondering if she will ever roll! Will she be able to get to the next stage of crawling etc if she hasnt mastered the roll?
hiya hun.

James didnt roll til around 6 months and even now doesnt do it loads. I dont worry as he is a big lad and i think probably finds it harder than smaller babies plus he is so active and lively and sprints around in his walker etc and can shuffle around on his bum and his tum.

I think quite a few other mums on here have found the same as there was a thread about it about a month ago from AnnaR2B so dont worry yourself. If she is still showing no signs in a few weeks and you are worried then speak to your HV but honestly I wouldnt worry. Its like some babies dont crawl and go straight to walking. They all dont follow a standard pattern of development. :hug: :hug: :hug:
My LO didn't roll 'til 7 months, even though I had been doing 'tummy time' since she was 6 weeks or so. She hated being on her tummy and hated rolling because she didn't want to end up face down! She figured out how to brace herself if I tried to roll her :)
But she would sit up for ages too. In the end she started crawling from sitting, just leaning forwards and getting on hands and knees that way instead of pushing up from her stomach. That was at about 7-8 months. She took her first steps at 9.5 months and was walking properly by 10 months, so I don't think the rolling thing necessarily reflects anything.
My friend's baby (who is 2 days older than Finn) didn't roll till he was about 7 months - but he got teeth at 4 months while Finn rolled at 4 months and got teeth at 6 months! They all do things in their own time so don't worry - oh...and you'll regret wanting her to roll because nappy changing becomes HELL! :rotfl:
My LO rolled at about 4 months, but has since stopped - I think because she HATES being on her tummy and has realised that rolling gets her there! She also sits really well and looks like she will crawl from that position - she moves forward on her hands as if she is going to crawl, then sits back up.

If you are concerned, maybe leave her on her back for a while, rather than sitting her up, then she may decide to have a move around like that. It occurred to me the other day that since LO learnt to sit, I hardly ever lay her down anymore.
My Calleigh doesnt roll yet either hun.
Like Anjali she likes to sit and doesnt like to be lay down for long, and when she is lay on her front she seems to balance on her belly rather than use her legs aswell :lol:

Not sure how it will effect her crawling tho :?

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