Any Crafty People Out There? Need Help Making a Roman Blind


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I bought a roman blind kit form the web but it didn't come with instructions on how to actually make the blind.

I have had a good luck on the internet but most of the info is confusing, wordy and very long :bored:

Just wondered if anyone out there has done this before and could give me a few bullet points that are easy to follow.

I have all the materials I need to make the blind, rods, fabric etc just not 100% on how I put it all together.

Hope you can help :D
You sew channels into the fabric (or preferably into lining and then use the lining on the fabric so that the facing fabric doesn't have lines sewn into it) and put the rods through.
You should have rings that you sew on to the fabric at the end of each rod.
The string is tied to the bottom ring on each side and then threaded through the others.

I'm not sure that that is very clear - sorry!

Try watching this - it's much clearer than me! ... 8f7463b36d
brilliant vid.. i personally wouldnt velcro them to the pole tho.. seems tacky.. id sew another pole on to it at the top and then put the eyelet screws into that pole like she did..
one of my customers i clean for is a top interior deisgner and she just velcros them to the board on top, makes them easy to remove shud they need cleaning.

now i want to make roman blinds, lisa this is all your fault getting me into sewing lol

charlie can we see pics when your done
paradysso said:
one of my customers i clean for is a top interior deisgner and she just velcros them to the board on top, makes them easy to remove shud they need cleaning.

now i want to make roman blinds, lisa this is all your fault getting me into sewing lol

charlie can we see pics when your done

Of course, hubby lifting up the sewing machine onto the table for me now so I can make a start on it tomorrow, it was my Grans sewing machine its ancient and weighs a ton, theres no way I can lift it.

The kit I have bought is slightly different to how the woman in the video makes hers but at least it gives me some order of how I need to put everything together, oh and it comes with Velcro as well to be able to take it off the fixing and wash if I need to.
Finally I have gotten round to making my blind, after the kit I bought came with no instructions and some of the pieces were missing, talk about making an easy job hard!!!!

Nevertheless I am pleased with my efforts and now hubby has put the blind up it looks lovely, I is now hanging pride of place in our toilet.

Click on photo for a bigger image
looking good well done... i'll pm you my address and you can come do me some :rotfl:

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