Any advice on engaging the head??


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
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Well littlun is sat right on the brim of my pelvis and I' in such agony at the moment beacuse she's sitting on a nerve.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help the babies head engage?? I have read about going on all fours for 10mins a day, but would thatmove it higher not lower?? :think:

All fours is good to get LO to change position. I'd spend a fair chunk of time on all fours throughout the day. Rocking backward and forward while there is also good. 10 minutes once a day I doubt would be enough. I used to spend 30 minutes plus each time to encourage LO into a good birthing position.

I'd not worry about engaging tbh. You can't make 'em engage, they do that when they are ready :)
i done a few squats every day i had the same trouble it seemed to work tho :) good luck xx
i bounced on the birthing ball for a few hours and a few hours later my waters went pop!!!!!!!!

Mine engaged early this time (34 weeks) but it hasn't exactly been very comfortable. The only difference from the last two times I think is that having 2 young children already, I am very rarely off my feet; by the evening it feels like the baby is going to drop out of me!!! It probably also makes a difference that it's my third baby - probably am pretty stretched already!!!

The only thing I'd say really is keep active, do some floor crawling and try to tilt your pelvis forward when possible. All the best,
Walking. And lots of it. Also bending over, and I've been told Squatting helps and Bouncing on a Birth ball.

This baby is constantly in and out. The days I do ALOT of walking, it engages, but the quieter days im not doing much, it seems to pop out.

This is my 3rd, with the other 2 I was fully engaged by 32 weeks and they never came back out. But this one is being anughty already :rotfl:
Right my ball is all blown up and ready to go. Think I will try a bit of everyone's advice. She's 'on the brim of my pelvis' so she's going the right way.

Will keep you posted on what works!
My aunt who had her baby last year got into the squatting postition and rocked her hips! She did this for a couple of days then her waters broke along with Jessica becoming engaged!! :D
Loving this thread :)

My baby was 2/5 engaged, then on the rim, then 3/5, now high again.

If bubs is not engaged next weekm they said they may have to do a very controlled induction, as if my waters go, they may force the cord out first (polyhydromnias being a b*gger lol)

So, I need to get bubs head back in. They said it keeps disengaging because there is too much liquid lol I cannot win :?

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