Anxious about having a MMC


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2014
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I guess I just need a moan and this is the only place I feel I can.

I'm petrified I'm going to have a MMC. Currently 10+3 with my third baby but have hardly any symptoms. Exhaustion definitely but other than that pretty much nothing.

I've heard the baby's HB on my home doppler just once but haven't been able to find it since and ended up having a full on panic attack and passed out the other night because of this.

I'm hoping some of you could put my mind at rest and help aid my anxiety.
I've had no pain, no cramping, numerous positive tests and even have a bump appearing but I know all that doesn't mean much if you have a missed miscarriage.

I'm babbling now :( I just need some help xXx
I felt exactly the same, as I miscarried first baby at 9 weeks! I still worry now and I am 25 weeks. I had a scan at 6 weeks just to make sure there was a baby there, then the 6 weeks to my 12 week scan were torture. All was ok though. Then the wait to my 20 week scan, the panic came back. I also found my symptoms started to go at 10 weeks.
I totally understand your anxiety :( When is your scan?? xxx
I have no idea! I see the MW for my booking in appointment tomorrow and then wait to hear about my scan.

I've had 2 MCs in the past, one at 9 weeks and one at 11 weeks :(

With my 2 previous successful pregnancies I had early scans due to bleeding. There's a pattern :(
Why dont you ask for an early scan? Say you have some pain? May help ease the worry xx
I did ask my GP when I notified her but she said she wouldn't refer me on the NHS but could recommend some local private clinics. I wish I could afford it! I'd live there!

I couldn't fake pain and take the place of someone who really needed the appointment. Once, that person was me. I don't have long to wait, less than 4 weeks til the NT scan but it seems like a lifetime away xXx
I can understand where ur coming from i had a mmc at 9weeks tho we didnt find out till our 12week scan an only now at 16weeks do i feel i can sort of relax an start to enjoy my pregnancy but i know i will still worry before every appt try not to worry too much hun xx
As I say I don't have a scan date yet but I mean less than 4 weeks until I'm able to have the nuchal scan before 14 weeks x
I had bleeding with first pregnancy. This pregnancy i had sharp ovary pain but no bleeding and they sent me to epu. I get where you are coming from with regards to taking someones place. How much are private scans in your area? X
I was hoping because of my previous history and anxiety/depression the GP would refer me but nope :( A dating scan is £65 here.
I'm hoping the MW will check for a heartbeat tomorrow but I fear she'll say it's too early xXx
I didn't have any symptoms with either of my boys. No sickness or anything. Only believed I was preg when I'd been for 12 wks scan !! I know my midwifes don't listen to heartbeat until 16 weeks but no harm in asking. I'm sure ull be fine every pregnancy is different :)
I haven't got any reassuring stories to tell you, but I remember feeling this with my first. I was terrified all the time - it ruined tri1 for me really! There's nothing you can do, and what will be will be anyway. I know it's so hard, but if you can try and just go with the flow and accept that whatever happens, happens you might feel less anxiety?

Sorry, probably not much help, I'm not trying to make you feel worse xxxx
In our area you have to have had 3mc before they will do an early scan which i think is terrible but i can c their point of saying scans r only reassuring for the time that the doppler is on ur tummy xx
The baby must have known Mummy needed some reassurance. I tried the doppler again and the heartbeat was as loud and clear as can be.
My Mum has told me off, saying it's far too early to rely on a home doppler. She also agrees that what will be will be. I know she's right (Mum's always are)

Thank you ladies :) Until next time... xXx
I was the same at the start of this pregnancy, my cousin had a mmc earlier this year that wasn't discovered until her 12 week scan. It really affected me as I don't recall being so anxious with my first!
I ended up booking a private scan at 10 weeks ish, it was around the same price but I paid it because it was affecting my health! I couldn't sleep, was exhausted all the time and started to get snappy with poor DD and DH.
It was worth it as I relaxed a lot more straight away.
I'd let your midwife know how anxious you are as she may be able to help.xx
Pregnancy after losses is torture in the first trimester. Signs bad and good mean very little on an individual basis. I would agree that it's worth telling mw how much the anxiety is getting to you. My epu have been fab through all 6 of my pregnancies (4 mc then 2 sticky). 4 weeks is a long wait. Hope this is your sticky bean. X
I didn't really get to say much to the midwife today. She did the usual paperwork and said I'd have a scan probably in the next fortnight. She seems lovely but very slap dash if you know what I mean? And because I had my daughter 7 months ago she was very much 'oh you've been there, done that, I don't need to tell you again' kinda thing.
Next appointment is at 16 weeks. That's sooo far away!

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