Anxiety attacks


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Has anyone got anxiety problems after misscarrying? My docter put me on setraline and beta blockers yesterday and also valium as im having panick attacks sometimes and i have the worst brain fog like im on a different planet cant focus on anythin feel totally out of it like
My minds been thru too much stress and decided to have a break , have teeth grinding in my sleep an chest pains migraines , the lot. its horrible. Really struggling with being in public at the mo as i feel like a zombie. I only get it after ive had a mc i feel panicked when flashbacks of the scan and bleeding enters my mind and panicked over if il get pregnant just everything really. Hopefully all the medication will help just wanted to see if anyone else has been through it dont really have anyone close by that understands although my family and oh are still amazing support xxx
Not so much the anxiety but cAn relate to the brain fog, it takes real effort to do anything. Hopefully the new meds will help xxx
Hi Hun I haven't had a mc but have had bleeding and clots with this pregnancy so far epu are saying everything is going as it should and they don't know why I had the bleeding or clots but I can definitely relate to the anxiety I had it a while ago due to stress and with all this going on its krept back teeth grinding brain fog the pacing is the worse cant keep still and can't seem to focus on anything other than what is going on I sympathise with u it's an awful feeling and I hope you feel better soon x
Thanks both of u. Xxx brain fog made me worry there was somethin really rong with me as i couldnt describe it. Nice to have ppl that can relate. but am sorry ur going through it to. Nbrintz i think mine got very bad with the waits between all the scans aswell. Hope everything goes well for you an u can relax soon xxxx
Thanks both of u. Xxx brain fog made me worry there was somethin really rong with me as i couldnt describe it. Nice to have ppl that can relate. but am sorry ur going through it to. Nbrintz i think mine got very bad with the waits between all the scans aswell. Hope everything goes well for you an u can relax soon xxxx

Thankyou hun its hard isn't it I really hope the anxiety subsides soon for you it really is a horrible feeling to the point you can't even sleep through the night yet u don't want to get out of bed and face the world either if u want to talk feel free to pm me any time take care x
aw thank u yes that is def wat its like! Just wish u had a switch to turn ur brain off dont u. Take care too xxx
A switch would be amaizing Hun xxx
Hi sugar, ive been here and beat it :)
I didnt hsve a mc i was the oppisite, i was pregnant raging hormones, and started with panic attacks which then brought on awful anxiety :( i wanted to talk but felt like i had a stroke, my head felt numb, i lost memory alot, constant chest pains, fear or public and being out in crowded spaced paniced me, night terrors was rubbish too, i could go on, i was constantly at the dr's

I was rushed in hospital because i thought i was having heart attacks, id shake, vomit, have the runs, couldnt breath, have death feelings, it really frightend me, i then started with anxiety i was a mess, i had a big feeling of death, thought the pregnancy was going to kill me, but i couldnt have medication so i tried cbt a form of counselling. It helped me to understand why i felt like i did and why it brought panic attacks on.

Also my diet was rubbish, i didnt realise my body was breaking because i wasnt looking after it :(

If you need more advice pm me hunni

I havent had a panic attack since last summer and slowly getting over anxiety without medication xxxx
Has anyone got anxiety problems after misscarrying? My docter put me on setraline and beta blockers yesterday and also valium as im having panick attacks sometimes and i have the worst brain fog like im on a different planet cant focus on anythin feel totally out of it like
My minds been thru too much stress and decided to have a break , have teeth grinding in my sleep an chest pains migraines , the lot. its horrible. Really struggling with being in public at the mo as i feel like a zombie. I only get it after ive had a mc i feel panicked when flashbacks of the scan and bleeding enters my mind and panicked over if il get pregnant just everything really. Hopefully all the medication will help just wanted to see if anyone else has been through it dont really have anyone close by that understands although my family and oh are still amazing support xxx

Oh honey, I'm so sorry you are going through such a hard time at the moment, big hugs to you.

I know how you feel, after my miscarriage last year I was signed off work for few months as I had really bad depression and anxiety and I would refuse to leave the house as if I went out I would have panic attacks and be convinced something bad would happen to me. I felt like I would never get better and it took many bouts of crying down the telephone to my doctor and a lot of love and support from my family and friends for me to feel better. BUT I did feel better in time and got myself back on track and overcame the problems. When you go through a trauma such as losing a baby it can have a massive mental impact and make you feel all sorts of irrational fears but it will get better hun, I promise you xxx
Thank u so so much for your replyS, means alot. And nice to know youve got better too. Im glad i posted as i really felt like i was the only one reactin like this. I also thought i was really ill alot of times but it was just anxiety and panic i never realised it could cause so many physical symptoms. Just waiting a couple of weeks for my medication to kick in now as ive got alot to do this week an me being me feel so pressured and feel a meltdown coming. Start college tommorow and also ohs bday sat and he wants me to go on a night out in london, i havent been out like that in a year i didnt realise how scary it seems till im being forced into it. Just hope i get my baby soon as i know that will be the happiest day of my life. Sorry ive rambled on. Im thinkin of counsellig aswell i just cant do this on my own anymore. It really was comforting to read ur posts and if both of u have overcame it then i should be able to aswell. Xxxxx
I m/c in march and passed more tissue in april, during all this my partner of 16 years found out I had a termination 15 years ago due 2 having been diagnosed with depression and was in a really bad way. My partner didnt know because we split up, we did get bk 2gether after 3wks but I didnt tell him because he would of blamed himself. He said he understood and I made the right choice, but iam still worried and nervous he will leave me and I think he is only saying what he thinks i want 2 hear. I was already on 1 depression pill while I was pregnant now ive been put on 3 a day and 3 propranolol for panic and anxiety attacks and diazepam if needed. My hcg level is very slowly dropping and is 30 at the moment. Iam dragging myself through the days and stressed out is a understatement, iam not coping and feel as if im losing it.
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My hcg is coming down slowly its now 19, i still have panic and anxiety attacks but not as bad, until something triggers and starts me worrying again about my partner leaving me even though he says he is happy with me and is so loving towards me and is planning allsorts. Why cant I just believe him stop being so negative and move on? Any advice please xxx :help:
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My hcg is coming down slowly its now 19, i still have panic and anxiety attacks but not as bad, until something triggers and starts me worrying again about my partner leaving me even though he says he is happy with me and is so loving towards me and is planning allsorts. Why cant I just believe him stop being so negative and move on? Any advice please xxx :help:[/QUOTE]
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Glad your hcg is dropping :) I think if your partner is saying he loves u and acting like it, u have no reason to doubt it. I went through a phase of pushing people away, do u think thats what you're doing? Xxx
Hi I've just had a MMC and my anxiety is getting very bad. I understand completely the last couple days I've been terrified my husband is going to cheat on me, I have zero rational reason to think this. I think it may be hormone levels dropping fast, I wish I knew how to control it x
i had weird feelings like that to twixi i think more that he was going to leVe me because i was such a mess also wen i was preg i became really jealous of other women n protective so it probably is your hormones hopefully he will understand i had to show my oh an article online about hormones and how they really are to blame for our crazy behaviour but while your grieving and still have all the hormones its really tough i hope you get a neg soon so you can move on slightly xxxxxx michelle im on the same medication as you keep speaking to your gp if u feel its not working i may do that soon myself as feel i am crashing again just cryed non stop for the last 2 days, try an see ur friends andfamily just force urself thats wat ive done today an feel jus slightly better. the anxiety an depression is prob making u fink bad things it does that to me aswell i feel like a burden on every1 , im going for counsellin soon , see if it helps maybe thats something u could try too im sure ur oh loves u dnt push him away like lou said i did that after my first mc he said he felt like a ghost xx
Hi ray I was on sertraline a year and a half I actually stopped it very quickly when I found I was pregnant this last time. The doctor says unlikely it caused problems with baby but I'm kind of blaming it. Im going to try very hard to stay off it as I want to TTC ASAP but I may need it more than ever x
i was on it for about 3 years then stopped as soon as i found out i was preg the first time but got bad withdrawl so probably shouldnt have, i dont think it can cause mc i misscarred the second time an wasnt taking them and got told by the hospital its probably just bad luck. my gp has put me back on 100mg higher dose than before and said theres alot of information saying they may not be safe but its not proven and he told me to stay on it through my whole pregnancy next time he said without them depression an stress etc could also stop me ovulating. if you feel you need them dont be afraid to take them xxxx
Yes its hard to know however often the benefit out weighs the risk to stay on them, il see how I get on but if I get worse I guess I will start them again, finding it difficult to think rationally at the moment, the sertraline certainly helps me with that x

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