Panic attacks


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I used to get panic attacks kind of a lot. My husband learned how to help me and I really depended on him for that. I asked my GP for advice about it before and was just prescribed Valium. Yeah, thanks. :p

I haven't had anything like this since I have been pregnant, which is a very long time for me to go without, and it has been nice, but last night it happened again. It was brought on by something other than what used to bring them on, but this time my husband wasn't there to help. I ended up nearly fainting... I took my blood pressure at some point and it was a lot lower than it has been, and then I was kind of sick a few times, and then my tummy just hurt for a while and I managed to calm myself down. I really don't know how long it lasted. I am sure the baby is fine. Everything feels normal now, but I am scared now that this will happen again.

Does anyone here get panic attacks and have advice? When my husband is around he helps me to focus and gain perspective, but I can't do that on my own in the heat of the moment.
Oh you poor thing, hope you feel ok now? :hug: I dont have any advice really and so hope this dosnt sound stupid, but is the thing that triggers it anything you can avoid happening?xx
u poor thing!!! i have suffered with panic attacts too and they r the worst!! i was put on beta blockers and antidepressants to stop mine, the way i deal with them now (dont get them hardly) is to breathe into a paper bag and when i have got my breathing steady i try to read or watch tv anything that will take my mind off my speeding heart beat and shortness of breath. i also found that i had to have a light on and being in the dark made it worse....

hope ive helped xxx

I suffer from anxiety attacks and depression and have been on citalopram for a number of years on and off. I'm on them currently and doctors don't seem to concerned about baby with me on them and would rather me on them and stay stable then come off them and become a wreck again. I would speak to your doctor and weigh up the pros and cons of you taking something again. With regards to my panic attacks when they hit I try my best to focus on something else and this usually helps but they can be scary.
Hi Moss, so sorry that you had the horrible expereince. I have suffered with panic attacjs for many years. The one most important thing that I try and remember is that it is all about the "self talk" you have when you experience the attack. The more negative this is the more intense and longer the panic will last. I know it is difficult but you must try and talk in your head in a positive way, "this will pass", "I am already feeling calmer", "this attack will not hurt me", "i know it feels bad but it will soon pass and I will be fine". These kind of thoughts will get you through. Also after each attach do a quick reality check. What was your greatest fear during the attack. Is it fainting, losing control, going mad, choking etc. These are very normal fears but in reality rarely if after happen. During panic attack I often think I will faint, wet myself or suddenly lose control, in ten years none of these things have a happened. Hypno-therepy tapes are also really good for helping you relax and remain in control. Hope this helps. It is a really anxious time at the mo and this will increase anixiety. If you catch a negative thought in your head immediately challenge it with a positive one. :hug: :hug:
Thanks, everyone. It was triggered by an argument with my mother and worries about money and being prepared... It got pretty intense then I tripped and it scared (and hurt) me and my cat went missing (he hides when things are stressful) and I just went over the top... I managed to calm down eventually by staring at the washing machine whilst sitting in my dark kitchen! Haha... It felt like it took forever, but I really don't know. I'm glad this is the first time it has happened since finding out I'm pregnant. My mother was not a help at all. She antagonises these things. She's not horrible, she just doesn't understand it or something. I don't know... We are both overly emotional. Anyway, I'm feeling better now and the baby is acting normally, but it's scary when it happens!

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