Antonio has high temperature :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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At 9.30am yesturday morning Antonio had a low fever. I gave him 2.5ml of calpol and waited to see if his temp would come down and hoped he would be feeling better.

By 3pm his temperature had shot up to 40 :shock: :shock: and the themometer showed that as High Temperature.
I called the doctors straight away and I was told a doctor would call me back a.s.a.p 10mins later I got a call and the doctor said to strip him down, open a window and dab him with a cool flannel (I already stripped him of clothes by that point anyway) but I did what the doctor asked with the flannel and window e.t.c and he then asked me to come down to the surgery for 5pm

When I got to the surgery the doctor did a few checks and said it was a viral infection and said not to worry to much as he was looking alert. Well....I said to the doctor he may seem alert to you but we know our son and he is quite a hanful and NEVER as quiet as this.

Antonio has been coughing a little more than usual the past 2 days but he does not have a runny nose or anything, his hands and feet are freezing cold. The doctor still said not to worry and if there was no change within 72hrs to come back to surgery to have him re-checked.

He has been excepting his feeds with no problem but im still worried. its now 24hrs and he still showes between 38-40 on the themometer.

Would you guys ask for a second opinion? or have you had experience of this before and could maybe give me some reasurance?


Aww I really hope he's on the mend soon.

If you are unhappy with the doctors advise/diagnosis then get a second opinion hun. Its really hard when they are poorly cos you feel like theres something that should be done to help them but usually you just have to let the virus run its course and make them as comfortable as possible. Ellie's had a viral infection a while back and we were told that if we could keep her temperature under control (below 39 - 40) and then if it went over that get it back down within 20mins by stripping down, sponging etc then just let the viral infection run its course, we were told that if she goes really quiet and drowsy or stops eating/drinking then to get her straight back to the docs.

Hope he's feeling better soon, its so hard when they are poorly :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
If you don't feel happy with the situation, I would take him back and ask to see a different doctor. You know your baby better than anyone else.

Hope he is feeling better soon :hug:
take him back to docs hun if you're worried.

give him neurofen too, they can have this as well as calpol. James had a temp of 102c a few days ago and calpol didnt touch it. I gave him neurofen and it came down. I also kept cold flannels on his head, stick some in the fridge and alternate them as his little head will warm them up pretty quick.

hope he is better soon xx
So sorry I didn't reply to you on FB yesterday after asking what was up. The day turned into a bit of a nightmare and I got completely sidetracked!

How is he today?

He is feeling much much better today, his temperature has gone back to normal, phew, that really was scarey!! :shock:

Debs- I know how you feel, my days are like that pretty much all the time now :hug:

T xx

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