anti-sickness meds


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2014
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Hi all,
Was back with GP today who found some keytones in my urine so he sent me to the epu. They were not too worried there as I can hold down fluids just no food...I also got an early scan which was lovely and doctor said all OK and baby is looking good, saw little heartbeat flickering away. He prescribed me some anti sickness meds but I'm scared to take them? Has anyone taken them before? Are they safe? I am such a worry wort. I'msitting here with a tummy like a washing machine and am terrified to take them. Any advice greatly appreciated. T. X
Hey lovely I had hg in my first pregnancy. Like u I was scared to take them and put it off I got prescribed metricloprimide at 7 weeks but I refused to take them fast forward to 10 weeks and I was admitted to hospital and they pumped every sickness drug into me that was possible. Looking back I wish I'd just taken them as I don't think it would have gotten out of control if I had. I'm 6 weeks in and if it gets bad this time I won't hesitate to take them I hope that helps xxx
Which sickness meds? I've been prescribed some yesterday and they are amazing! Luckily no ketones were found but I do have another UTI so on antibiotics for that as well xx
They are stemetil 5mg tablets but he told me I can take 2 at any time to a max of 6 tablets in 24 hours
I'm on promethazine teoclate 25mg it says take 1-4 in the evening but I'm taking 1 in the morning and late afternoon. They are working for me,but they are making me really tired,falling asleep straight away.
Hope yours start working. Xx
I've taken stemetil (prochlorperazine) and metachlopromide and now taking ondansetron. I have had them from 6 weeks til 24 weeks in two previous pregnancies and been on them since 5 weeks this time. Seriously take them as being in hospital for not taking them is so much worse. They wouldn't prescribe them if they were harmful xx

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