Antenatal DAY class!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I got a letter from my hospital today inviting me and OH for a day workshop on birth and labour next Saturday 10am-4pm! I'd been worrying as i hadn't had any info on antenatal classes at all but it seems they do it in a day rather than evenings.

What is annoying is that it says it would be beneficial if we had done the 'fit for pregnancy' day class between 16 and 24 weeks... we might have done had we known it existed!
I obviously don't know what would have happened at the antenatal class that they didn't tell you about (grrr!) but at the end of my early antenatal class (the 14 - 22 week one) we were given a leaflet with all the info from the class and it is called Fit For Pregnancy. The leaflet is available to look at online - it's by the association on chartered physios of women's health. Here is the link:
They have lots of other useful leaflets on their website too.

I hope this helps.
Cor thats a long time to be sat in there taking it all on board. I mean, its great you get a class, but I found 2 hours on each topic enough and then only attended the ones I was interested in, breastfeeding and labour/pain relief. I skipped the others :roll: :lol: The breastfeeding one is interesting for sure, although no men attended that class when I went, the one OH who was there saw there were no other men and ran :lol: The labour one almost everyone who had a partner brought them along for it.

Hopefully its not too warm on the day and you get to stop for lots of mini breaks :)
Yeh does sound like a long time! We get a lunch break i know that.. lol. I'm hoping it won't be too boring or tiring. Me and OH have decided we'll escape if it is awful. Lol.

Kalia- thanks :) I'll have a look! xxx
I just got my letter through and it says there is a tour of the hospital for couples and four other classes for "expectant mothers", does that mean I can't take my husband? I know he wouldn't need to be there for the ones like breast feeding but he wanted to go to the labour one to get more info about it and how to help me with breathing/massage etc. Has anyone else experienced this?
jendav81 said:
I just got my letter through and it says there is a tour of the hospital for couples and four other classes for "expectant mothers", does that mean I can't take my husband? I know he wouldn't need to be there for the ones like breast feeding but he wanted to go to the labour one to get more info about it and how to help me with breathing/massage etc. Has anyone else experienced this?

Usually in ours partners have been able to attend any classes they wish, even BF'ing ones but no men stayed for that one :lol: I'd just call and check with them. I'm sure partners are welcome at the classes but best to clarify with your hospital. My OH came with me on the hospital tour, so did everyone elses partner and also the labour/pain relief class. Most women had partners with them for that.
I'll give them a ring on Monday and investiagate, thanks for letting me know :)
i had a 12-4 class and we talked about pain relief in labour, vitamin k, breastfeeding, it was quite intensive. The room was a bit hot and one lady nearly fainted so make sure you take water and take breaks when u need themx
It does sound a long time hopefully you should cover quite a lot during that time.

Me & Hubby went to the class that is on offer at our hospital and I sincerely hope yours will be better than ours. It was supposed to run form 7:30 till 9:00pm, we didn't get out of the hospital until 9:45pm and then the woman didn't really talk through the tings I wanted to know about.

It was called "Active Birth Class" the only thing active about it was that they got us involved by placing laminated cards on the floor in order of what we think will happen during labour. It was mind numbingly boring, mainly because I didn't learn anything thanks to all you lovely ladies on the forum and also P&B magazine. The woman didn't go through pain relief, breathing etc which is what I would expect from a birthing class and then at the end gave us a 7 page handout on the different positions for labour.

I was disappointed at wasting 3 hours of my evening.

When I did ask about pain relief I worded it in a way that she hopefully wouldn't ramble on (like she had all evening) cause it was already 9:15pm, so I said "apart form the usual epidural, gas & air & pethidine are there any other forms of pain relief available" to which she went on for another 10 minutes explaining they didn't, when all she had to say was no .

Then the lady next to me said she thought Meptid was available and the answer was yes they offer it, so why on earth didn't she mention it when I asked :x Agggrrhh She didn't explain what it was, the affects, how its administered etc.

Anyway sorry for my rant, its not like me but the class and the stupid midwife taking it really wound me up........................Watch I bet shes the one who's on duty when I go into labour, just my luck!

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