Antenatal Classes


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hi mums,

I've just phoned up to book my NHS Antenatal classes at the hospital, i've got 2 classes for 2 hours each then another 2 hour class for breastfeeding.

Just wondering what sort if thing is covered in these classes?

I've heard about the NCT ones too and i believe you get alot more classes liek 8 or something? What do you cover in those?

I'm a bit of a dunce when it comes to looking after babies, i have never even changed a nappy and so i'm freakign out that i'll have the baby, be sent home after a few hours and then have no idea what to do with it! So i want all the help i can get!

Thanks for any info!
We went to NHS classes and NCT ones, and both had their value.
The NHS ones are obviously more geared to traditional advice, and what will happen in hospital etc. It was more like a series of lectures on child birth with old-school diagrams and stuff – but they were definitely useful.

The NCT ones were more of a sociable experience. The woman who took our class was brilliant, and made it all seem like a lot of fun (while the NHS ones were more serious and traditional). Plus, they tell you everything about everything – so you’re fully informed about all the drugs, different birthing positions, and helping yourself through the early stages of labour without rushing to hospital. They teach you to keep an open mind without a bias to any approach.

We’ve kept in touch with our NCT ‘classmates’, whereas the people at our NHS ones didn’t really seem interested in that. There were some single mums there and youngsters, who looked bored most of the time!
The people at the NCT ones paid to be there and so obviously are going to be a lot more keen to listen and learn.

One more thing... the NHS ones are taken by a midwife, who has obviously been medically trained, while the NCT course leaders aren't. That has its advantages and disadvantages - the midwife will obviously be able to answer certain medical questions with authority, while the NCT woman perhaps won't; but on the other side of the coin, the NCT people have a much more open-minded approach to birth, whereas midwives are obviously much more pigeon-holed in their approach and advice.

I'd recommend both! :cheer:
Don't forget the cost of the NCT ones. Not cheap. I'd have liked to attend NCT classes but the nearest one to us was 45 minutes drive away and I didn't think I'd meet many people from here if I went to them. It would have been more for meeting other parents to be than to learn stuff.

I didn't bother much with my NHS ante natal classes tbh. Attended the breastfeeding one (very helpful as our community MW's are both really great and were fully clued up) and the labour/pain relief one. The others I skipped. Knoew most of what they would cover so didn't feel the need.

TBH things like changing a nappy are pretty straightforward, its more about having confidence in your abilities I think. So many people are nervous and unsure about handling a newborn but most don't get a chance till they have their own.
I wanted to go but couldn't afford the NCT classes :( . I went to a NHS one with a ward tour and I'm glad I went so I could see the labour ward etc.

I too had never changed a nappy before/held a baby and had a little panic about it all at 22 weeks when I decided that I was totally unprepared. Now I feel like I've always been a mum, honestly don't worry, you really will just "know" what to do :D
Fair enough about the cost of the NCT classes. I can't remember how much they were (more than £100, less than £200 I think), but if you're going to have to scrimp to get the money together then I wouldn't bother. You won't miss out on anything massively important.

It's just a really interesting, sociable experience if you can afford it. God knows preparing for a baby is expensive enough!
Thanks for the replies ladies.

Cost is not really a problem if between £100-£200 so might have more of a look into it as i also hear they get booked up pretty fast!!
The NHS ones in my area were ok but tbh I learned more from this site and reading than I did in the classes.

I looked into NCT classes but they were being run at odd times - one block was when I was due and I missed the one before that. I didn't have the money either :(

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