Antenatal classes....

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Hi All,

Have my first round of classes this weekend.. these are organised by my m/wife and are "workshops" on Sat and Sun for 2 hours each... then I have ones run by the hospital in July too.. parentcraft ones I think.

Anyone know what I should expect from these workshops? I am dragging OH with me [kicking and screaming no doubt!] but I have no idea what is in store for us.. :?

Not sure, I didn't go to them, I went to the NCT ones instead, which I would highly recommend, by the way! If they are anything like the NCT ones, it will be teaching you all about labour, ways to manage the pain, what happens if something goes wrong, what to expect throught the process, etc, etc, and also a little bit about caring for a newborn. I made some fantastic friends through the antenatal classes, do stay in touch with the people you meet - they will be one of your few links to a social after the baby is born! :D
iv never even heaard of them no one ever mentioned them to me when i was preg :(
Yeah I tried to get on the NCT classes - I called my local rep 3 times and she never returned my calls, I even emailed them and nothing... I joined and paid the £ yearly membership ages ago as I think its a great charity but they obviously cannot be bothered .. bl**dy rude if you ask me!!!

:evil: :evil:
Hi Anna-Marie I went to my parent craft classes. The first one was about labour, there was one about pain management and one about infant feeding. They were ok but to be honest I knew a lot of it through coming on here and talking to you guys!! It was nice to meet other people and talk to them though!! I took Dh with me to the first class, then he was working for the other 2 so my mum came with me. I am having both Dh and my mum in with me when I go in so it was good that they both could come with me to the classes. Hope that you enjoy your classes, let us know how you get on.

Thanks Lindsay... yeah I have heard that the parentcraft ones are more useful but I thought I would give these midwife ones a go as I like all the midwives that I see - I have not read anything in the books past the stage I am at each week [still resisting as if I may jinx myself!!] so any info will be new to me...

Will let you know whether or not it was worth it and if it all scared me half to death!! x

Lucky you having DH and mum to scream at .. not sure I could cope with my mum around.. love her loads but she would just drive me even more mad so I think its down to OH but he will probably pass out at sight of blood bless him!!

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