I went to mine today and they have moved the PAC downstairs with the other antenatal clinic. What a mess! we waited for an hour and a half for them to take my blood pressure which she had to do 3 times before it came down because i was so angry about waiting so long before we were acknowledged. Then we had to wait another hour for my growth scan even though we were told we were put at the top of the pile! was good though cause she said he is growing great and gave us a 3D or 4d whatever it is picture so worth the wait
They were really apologetic about the messing around after that and put us at the top of the queue to see the consultant and haemogoblin doctor who did the usual, looked through the notes said they were going to take the clexane down eventually and that was it. But! i remembered to ask me questions today which i still dont really have answers for
I have now decided that the QMC are useless and want to go to the
hospital i wanted to go to in the first place. I went there for a antenatal physio class today and they seem great
One more question. Does anyone have an estimated fetal weight on there scans for 29 weeks? what are they as mine seems bigger than i thought he would be at this stage.
They were really apologetic about the messing around after that and put us at the top of the queue to see the consultant and haemogoblin doctor who did the usual, looked through the notes said they were going to take the clexane down eventually and that was it. But! i remembered to ask me questions today which i still dont really have answers for
I have now decided that the QMC are useless and want to go to the
hospital i wanted to go to in the first place. I went there for a antenatal physio class today and they seem great
One more question. Does anyone have an estimated fetal weight on there scans for 29 weeks? what are they as mine seems bigger than i thought he would be at this stage.